Page 4 of Reaper
Should I let go? Should I stop her? Should I push her away?
Before I can think much else, my body takes over and my tongue sweeps against hers.
My cock ignites and I’m lost.
Her hands are on my back, she’s tipped up onto her toes, and she’s moaning into my mouth. I cup the back of her neck with my palm and kiss her deeper.
This is so fucked up, but I can’t stop. I pull her close against my frame until I feel her hard nipples against my chest. She needs to pull away or I’m going to lay her out right here on the side of the road and make her mine. I don’t think any of us are ready for that yet.
She drags in a deep breath and backs away. Her eyes are hooded, and our gaze is stuck on one another.
“I…” I try to speak, but nothing comes out. This might be a first for me.
“That felt good.” She grins. “This whole thing feels good!” She jogs down the road a hundred feet or so until she’s drifting through the field of flowers.
I’m not sure what just happened or if it happened at all. Maybe I imagined the whole thing. I could’ve. This could all be the adrenaline of the moment and none of it is real.
Shaking my head in disbelief, I follow her down the road toward the wildflowers. We’re the only ones here and the sun is midway through the sky, casting shadows over the colorful blooms. Mabel dances through the stems, running her fingers over the tops of the petals. The little pink sundress she wears floats around her, and there’s a smile on her face that I haven’t seen since her mom passed.
I watch her for too damn long, desperate to memorize this moment, desperate to memorize her. Hell, it might be all we get in this world of fuckery. These few moments. I want them. I need them. I insist on drinking them in.
My phone rings and I stare down at the screen. It’s my friend, Ox. He’s the oldest of us all and he’s hell bent on starting a security firm here in Rugged Mountain.
“Where the fuck are you? We told the Greene’s we would help build another cabin on their lot for their tree farm. There’s only a few more months to get this done.” This is the way he always answers the phone. It isn’t new.
“You’re fucked in the head, old man. I told you, I’m helping Danny boy out today.”
He huffs out a sour response. “He payin’ ya? I think I’m payin’ ya.”
“Nope. Neither of you are payin’ me.” I laugh and bite back a ‘get fucked’ that’s on the tip of my tongue. “I’ll call Viper and have him take my place until I get there. I gotta run. I’ll check up on ya later.” A better friend would have asked him how his plans were shaping up for the security firm, but I’m not sure I understand all that anyway. This is a small town. We already have two MC’s looking after folks, one of which specializes in bounty hunting. We don’t need a damn security firm, too. What that man needs is a woman. A woman to distract him from the rest of the bullshit running through his head.
Maybe that’s what Danny needs. A new woman. Someone to think about other than Mabel.
I drag in a deep breath and dial back in on Mabel. She’s taken to gathering a handful of flowers. Pinks, yellows, and purples. She pulls them into a bundle, brushing them against her face every so often for a sniff.
God, she’s gorgeous. Gorgeous and completely off limits. I pull out my phone and stare down at the line of texts buzzing in from Viper. He’s pissed that I’ve lobbed Ox at him, but I’ll contend with that later. Right now, I’m happy I’m not dealing with his shit.
I drag in a deep breath and lean against the seat of the bike as my little cat comes running back toward me. There’s a wide grin on her face and the flowers she’s holding bend and move with the wind. “What do you think? Colorful enough?”
“They’re beautiful, little cat!” Just like you.
She grins wide and holds the flowers up to her nose before passing them toward me for a sniff. “They smell so good! Oh my God! Everything smells so good! It’s like I’m free from the castle walls!” She skips around in small circles and stares back at me with a new, more serious look on her face. “I don’t wanna go back!”
I grin. “You have to go back, little cat. Your dad’s gonna notice you're gone and I’m gonna be the one getting hell for it.”
“Not true. He’ll blame me. I’ll tell him I coerced you and that you didn’t have a choice.”
I stare her up and down. “You’re a bug compared to me. No one will believe that. We have to go back.”
She crosses her arms over one another and pouts playfully. “Never! Sorry, not going.”
I’m tempted to bend her over the back of this bike and spank her little ass for disobeying. The thought alone has my chest pounding.
Instead, I climb onto the bike and kick up the stand. “Come on. We’ve gotta go. We’ll sneak out again sometime. Promise.”
“I’m not coming!” She backs away from the bike and laughs, running through the field in the opposite direction. I guess she’s going to make this hard on me. The worst part is, I get it. Her father’s property is huge, but even fifty acres can be a prison when you can’t leave it.
I kick the stand back down on the bike and climb off. “Get over here, little cat, or I’ll spank your ass.” She doesn’t know how literally I mean it.