Page 44 of Only Girl Alive
She knocked on the door, stepped back, and stared up at the second-floor windows. All were closed, no lights shining outward like she’d seen the previous time she was here with Collin. She rubbed her arms, wishing she had taken the time to grab her jacket. The thin material of her blouse with its three-quarter sleeves was doing nothing to keep her warm. She knocked again after no one responded.
The light from her cell did little to dissipate the shadows but it was enough to see. The homes and their courtyards to keep out curious eyes always gave her the creeps and tonight was no exception. She had a weird feeling in her gut. Before she figured out what was making her apprehensive, she heard a sound behind her and turned.
Five men entered the courtyard. Dark masks covered the lower part of their faces. They each carried a medium-sized cloth bag. One of the men held a gun pointed at Eve. She didn’t miss the significance of there being five. It matched the number of her stepbrothers waiting outside the county attorney’s office. Their shorter height, like Aaron’s, was about right too. She had her weapon on her hip, but one thing people never speak of—if someone has a gun pointed at you, it’s too late to draw yours.
She lifted her hand away from her holster. This wasn’t good and whether she survived or not, Clyde would never forgive her. One of the men stepped forward suddenly and she instinctively turned away and tried to draw her gun. The first punch hit her stomach and a heavy grip on her right arm stopped her from falling. She dropped her phone when his fingers dug into the muscle and, at the same time, bent over slightly, trying to catch her breath.
“Don’t move and keep your hands up,” said the man holding the gun. Given she was doubled over, his directions were impossible to follow.
The one holding her arm removed the gun from her holster and stepped back while Eve gasped for air. It was not a time for laughter but for the strangest reason that was what she wanted to do. These were the children she had grown up with. It was nerves. They were adults and dangerous no matter Eve’s connection to them.
They slowly fanned out around her. The shadows cast by the house and the outer wall made what they did appear more ominous. She prepared herself to be beaten half to death. She knew how the church worked, or thought she did. They stuck their hands in the bags and she didn’t have time to think about the oddity of their actions before the first large stone hit her in the back of the head.
At the stinging discomfort, she turned and the bombardment started from all sides. She was struck in her arms, stomach, and upper torso. They threw the sharp rocks with as much force as they could. They hit with dull thuds then made a clunk when they bounced off her body and fell at her feet. She used her arms to shield her head. A rock got through when she protected the back and hit her forehead. She cried out, feeling pain everywhere.
The barrage continued and more rocks dug into her skin. She shouted for them to stop but her voice sounded small to her. Then, she could do nothing but groan. She lowered an arm in agony after a rock bounced off her elbow. A larger rock hit her head, sending her to her knees.
The men repeated one word in a low steady tone, while they stoned her.
“Abomination. Abomination. Abomination.”
The pain took over and she could no longer defend herself. Eve curled into a tight ball, hoping it would simply end. She had no idea how long they pelted her. Her whimpers were soft now as consciousness slipped away.
A voice broke through her foggy brain. Everything hurt and she was disoriented. It took her a moment to understand until he repeated the words.
“Let’s get you into your vehicle.” It was Aaron.
She cringed away from his hand, not wanting him near her.
“I need to help you,” he said urgently, refusing to back away.
She cried out when he touched her arm.
“Wait,” she whispered.
She took a few deep breaths. Once she felt steady, she tried to stand. Aaron caught her before she fell. He slowly steered her to the SUV, his voice coaxing as they walked. Each step caused pure agony in her head and she felt sick.
Aaron opened the passenger door, and she leaned against the seat, her legs shaking, her head pounding. She could now see him from the glow of the inside light. She didn’t need to see the dirt and blood that covered her, she could feel it. Her head was the worst of her injuries. Nothing felt broken but her skin was no defense against stones meant to seriously injure. They had tried to kill her; she was sure of it.
“I can’t take you to the hospital,” Aaron said when she finally focused on him.
Her thoughts came together slowly. She was still in danger. He was the enemy. Her hand went to her waist, checking for her gun. It wasn’t there and she remembered one of the men taking it.
“What are you doing here?” she asked shakily. Shock was setting in and she’d never felt so cold in her life. She knew she could be badly injured. Her trembling hand rose to her cheek and came away with blood. She felt it on her forehead too. Something wet rolled over her eyebrow and blurred her vision. Or maybe it was the head injury. Her thoughts were frantically scattered.
“I know you won’t believe me, but I’m here to help.”
“Help who?” she demanded.
“You,” he insisted, though Eve didn’t believe him.
“You knew what they planned. Do not try to deny it. Where’s your mask?” Eve accused sharply then gasped for air, her stomach rolling. She was going to throw up. With a slight turn, she managed to keep her insides outside the vehicle.
“You and your team need to finish your investigation and leave,” Aaron said, barely waiting for her last heave to end.
“Not happening.” She coughed and wiped her mouth, not caring what her stepbrother thought.
“You have no idea who you’re dealing with,” he said desperately.