Page 45 of Only Girl Alive
Eve looked at him and saw fear. It had been in his eyes the first day when she arrived at his office. Someone controlled him.
“I know exactly what I’m dealing with. I grew up in this mess you call a church,” she said, while breathing through her nose to try and stop another round of vomiting.
Aaron stepped back, his hands going to his waist. He didn’t look away as they stared at each other.
“You are an apostate, sent by the devil. He controls everything you do. You live an abominable life and turned your back from the prophet and God,” he accused harshly. She remembered this arrogant tone and posture from her childhood.
Fog and pain shifted through Eve’s brain, but she understood him perfectly. He would never bully her again like he had when she was a child. He might think he held the power right now, but he was wrong. As messed-up as she was, she would fight.
“What you mean,” she ground out, “is that I turned my back on a child-molester old enough to be my grandfather before he raped me. You have no idea how long it took to undo the brainwashing I suffered at the hands of your cult. You and your beliefs disgust me.” Her gravelly voice underscored her pain and she wanted to cry. She wanted to tear his eyes out and stomp on his face until he was unrecognizable. She wasn’t a violent person, but that’s what she felt at this moment, and her fury was giving her strength.
Aaron didn’t say anything for a moment. The contempt returned to his expression. He didn’t like the truth.
“Finish and leave. I can no longer help you.”
Eve laughed, the sound vibrating through her head in a steady pound. Her brother stared with his tight-lipped arrogance. When her laughter faded, she put her own glare into action.
“You’ve never helped me. This is how you threaten and intimidate. You’ll lose your legal license for this and there will be nothing your high and mighty church can do about it.” Eve knew she wasn’t helping herself. Her hand went to her waist again. “Where is my gun?” she demanded in frustration.
“I didn’t see it. I came to talk to Howard about the interview with Hannah. Put your crazy thoughts out to pasture. I found you after you were assaulted. I saw no one and simply offered assistance. I’m still here, I haven’t harmed you.” A look of innocence took over his expression. Eve saw it as pure evil.
“You lying sack of shit,” she said. Her stepbrother made her swear again. He seemed to be the only person with that unique ability.
“Finish and leave,” he blared suddenly, his patience at an end.
“What about Hannah?” Eve demanded. “She’s in danger. She needs help.”
“That child will be fine.” He walked away.
Eve held onto the side of the SUV as she made her way around it. She needed to check for her gun, but she’d never make it to the courtyard then back to the vehicle. It took everything she had to climb into the driver’s seat. She started the engine and rested for a moment. She had to get away; she knew she was still in danger. Her phone was missing too and she couldn’t call for help.
Sitting up straighter, she turned the vehicle around. Her brain was too foggy to figure out the seatbelt so she let it go. She slowly headed toward the hotel. She needed a doctor but Clyde was all she could think about. He would keep her safe.
A vehicle’s lights appeared in the distance and she stopped breathing. She had no weapon, no way to call for help. She could barely drive.
Had her stepbrothers returned?
Eve picked up speed. If all she had was the vehicle, she would use it. She released the breath she held. If she blacked out, this was over. She had trouble controlling the steering wheel and her stomach wasn’t doing well.
The vehicle drew closer and she saw a van’s outline when the road curved. Clyde’s bald head in the driver’s seat was impossible to miss.
She slammed the brakes and the SUV skidded on the asphalt before she brought it to a stop. She rested her arms on the steering wheel, laying her head on top of them. Deep breaths, she thought to herself, trying to keep from vomiting again. Her body’s aches and pains were one sensation with no end.
She would live. That was all that mattered right now.
Her stepbrothers had openly attacked her. Stoned her according to the Bible.
And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die.
The verse from Deuteronomy ran through her head. Her fists clenched and she wanted to cry. A knock on the window made her glance to the side. Clyde’s familiar face pushed the verse from her mind. He immediately realized something was wrong and tried to open the automatic locking door. Eve managed to push the correct button, though she wasn’t sure how she did it. She fell half out of the vehicle and Clyde caught her. Collin also grabbed her and they took her to the ground so her back was leaning against the side of the car.
“What the fuck?” Clyde demanded.
He appeared above her as a dark avenging angel.
“They stoned me.” She covered her eyes, emotion taking over, and began crying softly.