Page 21 of Group Studies
Ashe drew a rune across the relatively small puncture wound in my calf. If it weren’t for his hand holding my ankle, I would have flinched away. Instead, his healing magic sunk into me and the pain melted into warm tingles.
Tanwyn eyed Ashe. “That’s some impressive control and power there, for a beginner.”
I wrinkled my nose and frowned at Tanwyn.
“Not all mages are equal, A.” Tanwyn gestured to my calf. “Healing, even small spells, should wipe out someone taking the classes Ashe is.”
I frowned and studied Ashe for signs of fatigue, but he looked as solid and confident as ever.
Ashe scowled. “Tricks from the streets.” He stood, towering over Tanwyn, and leaned forward aggressively.
The tattooed mage put his hands in the air and smoothly stepped away from me.
Once Tanwyn backed off, Ashe cupped my chin and met my gaze. “Don’t leave the lab without me.”
I raised an eyebrow but nodded. The Gentle Giant walked out the door.
“Well, that was exciting, if not an utterly pointless waste of time,” Abe said, rising from her desk.
Yasmine shrieked and a few people jumped in surprise, including me.
Abe tapped her chin with one thin finger and studied me for a long moment before turning to her board. The squeak of chalk filled the lab.
I gingerly flicked my thumb.
Ashe healed my cut the other night as well. I didn’t think anything of it, given it was a small injury. He had the beginning of a black eye last time I saw him. Today there wasn’t even any swelling.
I chewed on my bottom lip, still struggling to grasp what an average amount of magic looked like. Ashe’s healing surprised Tanwyn, which meant Ashe was hiding his abilities.
To use his favorite word, who the fuck was Ashe?
Chapter 6
“Aphy,” Professor Garnet’s deep voice purred from across the table in his office.
I cracked open an eye and peered at the fully clothed mage in front of me. Only the two of us sat in his office for my tutoring this evening. No Saffron acting as the professor’s hands or open books, steering our experimentation in control.
“Professor,” I responded, trying to mimic the purr in his voice.
“You’re not meditating,” he pointed out.
I blew out a breath like I’d seen Roisin do the other day, except I didn’t have any bangs to rustle dramatically. “Ah, I have a lot on my mind.” I wrinkled my nose. “And we’ve already tried this.”
Professor Garnet frowned. “We have. We’ve tried everything. I think the answer is in you. We just need to find it.”
“Which means more meditation and pondering,” I said, uncurling my legs and stretching out my knees.
He nodded. “It does.”
After drumming his fingers on his table, he pulled a folded square of white cloth out of his desk and stood. I raised an eyebrow as he unfolded it into a bed sheet. Walking around the table, he dramatically tossed it over my head, turning my world a sea of white. Strong arms wrapped around me, with the sheet between us as he pulled me into his lap.
I froze, expecting my magic to ignore the thin sheet, but it didn’t.
“I wasn’t sure this would work,” he said, snuggling me close.
A fit of giggles distracted me from the overwhelming number of questions plaguing my brain. He chuckled as well. I rested my head against his chest. His heart raced. I listened to the sound as we sat in silence.
Professor Garnet’s hug loosened. “Saff said you’re thinking about joining his harem.”