Page 31 of Class Studies
I hadn’t held back when I transferred into him, and he didn’t leave my tower to dump my magic into something. It crackled in his hair, enlarged his muscles, and glowed in his eyes. Now that I thought about it, transferring was illegal. My Gentle Giant hadn’t said a thing. Nor had Professor Garnet.
I pulled on my braid. We weren’t hiding anything now, even if it had been the plan.
“As part of the agreement between the MA and the administration, Aphrodite is to begin training in the martial arts Coterie three times a week to make up for being pulled out of GS.” Director Flemmings moved her gaze to the other side of her screen. “It’s also in light of the events happening around you. Basic self-defense should have occurred to me earlier.”
“Marcus.” Officer Keres narrowed his eyes. “You’re to remain in the tower until Johnson and Grant collect you. Is your condition by choice?”
Heat filled my face before I clenched my fists in anger. In a dizzying rush, both emotions left me feeling empty. I hadn’t asked Ashe, but everything about our moment felt so right.
I held my breath and looked at my Gentle Giant.
“Yes, sir,” Ashe responded. “I intend to head to the medical wing later tonight to take care of the issue.”
Cal gave us an odd look.
“Don’t leave the tower.” Officer Keres smiled. “Though the medical wing is a smart choice.”
Ashe set his shoulders. “I intend to accompany A to Saffron’s Coterie.”
“You can’t,” Director Flemmings cut in. “And it’s no longer Saffron’s Coterie.”
I squeezed my eyes shut. I texted Saffron, but he’d not texted me back. I’d no idea what happened today and honestly assumed he was still in meetings. But maybe not.
Ashe crossed his arms across his bulging chest.
Director Flemings scowled. “Look, Officer Ashe.”
Ashe grunted. “Just Ashe now.”
“Right.” The Director brushed an invisible hair off her cheek. “I understand your attachment to one of our students, but you must understand where she came from and our goals at this Institute. We stress growth and learning, both accomplished through diversity and experience.” She tapped her temple. “Two things you’re taking away from Aphrodite. A few hours a few days a week is all we’re asking, for now.”
Ashe let out a breath. “There’s an abysmal track record when I’m not fucking by her side.”
I locked my hands behind my back and rocked on my feet.
“And she’ll be accompanied by a qualified student to and from her activity,” Director Flemmings leaned forward on her screen.
Cal waved.
Officer Keres cleared his throat. “All I need is one reason, Marcus.”
I shivered. Officer Keres’ had given Ashe the same warning during the meeting where Ashe left me to join his fellow MA.
Ashe turned to me. “Are you comfortable with this?”
“It doesn’t—” Officer Keres started to say.
Ashe uncrossed his arms and hung up the call. Cal almost dropped his phone in surprise and fumbled before focusing on the screen to reconnect us.
“I don’t disagree with the Director.” Ashe’s large hand warmed my cheek. “But if you don’t fucking want this, I will fight for you.”
I swallowed and lost myself in the depth of Ashe’s eyes swirling with my rainbows. Love, he loved me. He destroyed his life for me. My gaze unfocused and my shadow self smiled, her red eyes glowing.
Pulling on my braid hard, I pushed past my fears. I wasn’t good or evil. I had to believe that.
“Self defense is probably a good idea,” I stammered as Cal got the call going again.
Ashe leaned down and gave me a chaste kiss. “Go change into your GS uniform. I’ve got a few fucking thoughts for my ex-boss.”