Page 32 of Class Studies
My unsteady steps rattled the metal staircase as I ascended and changed. I cursed myself for not asking more questions. With Saffron no longer in control, I’d no idea who was or how they would react to the administration forcing me into their club.
* * *
We walked briskly through the halls toward what I considered Saffron’s room. A few students milled about, some giving me curious looks while others minded their own business.
“You’ve no idea who runs it now or if Saff will be there, Cal?” I asked a second time, using the name of Saffron’s spiky-haired friend to commit it to memory further.
“Yo.” Cal held up his hands. “I’ve no clue what’s going on. I literally got a call from the Director of this entire place for the first time. I almost shit myself.”
I tugged on my braid. “Are you and Saff still, ah….”
“Chillax.” Cal pressed his hands together. “Saff and I were platonic friends. We’re still talking. Though, between Mercedes and his Golem, the guy’s hosed.” He slid his hands into his pockets. “I’m not going down with him.”
My stomach twisted. I stopped asking questions and watched the floor go by under our feet. A few hallways later, Cal pushed open the classroom door, and I followed him.
Mercedes glared at me from the center of the room, and I skidded to a stop. I couldn’t believe she was still here.
A spattering of my fellow students, mostly younger, filled the room in little groups which chattered happily. Derek jumped up and down, waving at me. My spirits brightened, and I thanked Cal before walking to my friend’s side.
My steps faltered when I caught sight of Saffron standing awkwardly distant from his other friend in the corner of the room. Cal gave the Greek God a weird nod before fist bumping his other friend. The two ignored Saffron and started chatting.
Saffron slid his hands into his pockets and looked at the floor. My heart broke for him. His trio had been so tight. When he looked up, he caught my gaze and smiled tightly. I smiled back before rushing the rest of the way to Derek’s side.
“Frick’n squibs,” Mercedes said, still eyeing the new students. She raised her voice. “All right, we’re all here. Line up!”
My stomach sank. Not only was Mercedes still at the Institute for some reason, but now she ran the martial arts Coterie. This wouldn’t go well for me.
The collection of students milled about, looking at each other. I shifted from foot to foot with no idea what ‘lineup’ meant.
Mercedes wrinkled her nose. “It’s exactly like GS. There are nine of you. Make three rows of three, looking at me. It’s not that hard!”
None of the more experienced members moved to organize us.
“I mean, I guess we could do it,” Derek whispered to his friends.
I nodded and cheered him on as the trio declared themselves the first in the three rows. Relieved to have directions to follow, I scooted in behind my friend.
Mercedes pointed at me and shook her head. “You can’t stand there. You’re taller than the person behind you.”
I peeked at a very slightly shorter teenage girl behind me. Without a fuss, we switched. Mercedes’ eyebrow ticked, and she jerked her head side to side in annoyance.
I glanced at Saffron’s corner.
“Eyes front and center, all of you!” Mercedes snapped.
I cringed and snapped my gaze forward.
“As you’re here, you obviously saw the announcement,” Mercedes continued. I blinked, wishing I’d paid more attention to my phone this evening and less to Ashe. “The Martial Arts Coterie is running differently for the time being. I, apparently, need to prove some things to my parents, and you little frickers will help me do that.”
She took a breath to continue speaking, but the door behind us opened. I turned along with everyone else. The four students, assaulted by the MA, entered the room with their heads held high. A sudden need to move away from my staring peers made me dance in place. I didn’t want to be one of the people staring at them as people stared at me.
But I couldn’t move, and I was. I took a deep, calming breath.
“Well, don’t just stand there,” Mercedes barked. “Make another row, and don’t block the person’s view behind you.”
The three made a line on my left. I stole another glance at Saffron before returning my attention to Mercedes. Why hadn’t he texted me?
“All right.” Mercedes rubbed her hands together. “From this moment forward, this Coterie is about self-defense. Not fighting, not kicking ass, but getting the frick out of situations you don’t want to be in. Your first defense is always screaming for help and running away. But when that can’t cut it, some basics should help.” She grinned. “Saffron!”