Page 33 of Class Studies
The Greek God walked to Mercedes’ side, and the two faced each other.
Mercedes swiveled her head around before her almost manic smile landed on me. “Actually, Aphrodite, you can help with this too.” She wiggled a finger at me. “Come stand next to Saffron, facing me.”
The blood drained out of my face, but I did as she asked.
Without warning, Mercedes lashed out and kicked me hard in the crotch. Pain like I’d never felt before made my legs buckle. I fell backward. Saffron grunted when she kicked him as well. He also sank to the floor, holding his family jewels.
“Never forget, a swift kick to the crotch, on a man or woman, will get you out of a lot,” Mercedes said, almost laughing, as she turned back to her new students. A few of them awkwardly chuckled while Derek and most of the boys held their hands over their nuts.
She glared around the room. “Now, Cal, Erick, and Vito will organize you into groups to learn how to stand with better balance and hopefully kick.”
Still on the ground, Saffron’s hand found mine and squeezed. It didn’t help the pain, but my worry eased. Whatever friendship we were forming was still there. I just needed to be patient.
The pain subsided quicker for me than for Saffron. I rolled to my feet. Before I could offer the Greek God a hand, Mercedes screeched at me to get into my group. Derek jumped up and down so I couldn’t miss him, and I rushed to his side.
“I’m surprised you’re here,” he whispered.
I wrinkled my nose. “Not my choice.”
Derek nodded as if that made sense. We both turned our attention to Mercedes, who magnanimously offered to work with us herself. With a feral grin, she kicked my calf to get my feet further apart before pressing on my back leg with her freakish strength. I tilted oddly, flailing my arms, before tumbling to the floor.
Expecting it, I managed to land with a graceful thud instead of sprawling on my ass.
Mercedes studied her nails. “God, you’re bad at this.”
I flushed but couldn’t argue.
Mercedes wrinkled her nose, obviously hoping for more of a reaction. I curled my legs under me and took a deep breath. When I didn’t fight back, it hurt less. Damon taught me that. Although I wished he hadn’t, this time, letting Mercedes take out her frustration didn’t feel wrong. Life was situational.
I smiled to myself. My red-headed tormentor huffed before stomping over to Derek.
This would be a long hour, but I had the tools to get through it.
* * *
We stood in our lines once more. Mercedes stopped pacing and swept her hand across her front. “Y’all suck at this, but whatever, we’ll get there. Coterie dismissed.”
The students in the room melted into social pods, chatting excitedly. Derek tugged me towards his friends, who looked at me skeptically but didn’t question Derek. I wrung my hands together and shifted uncomfortably. Derek’s friends had never made me feel uncomfortable before.
Derek bumped my shoulder. “You’ll get better.”
I sighed and rubbed my sore butt. “I’m literally the most uncoordinated person in existence.” I frowned. “I never did sports, never ran or had to do things outside of lifting potion bottles and turning pages in a book and….” I trailed off before my past could spill out of my mouth.
I’d not shared my entire history with Derek. Some things were too dark for a thirteen-year-old.
“It sounds miserable. It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks!” He rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. “My mom used to say that.”
I blinked at my friend. “Are you calling me old?”
Derek’s blush ate his freckles. “No, that’s…um…I was excited too, well….” He flailed his hands.
I grabbed them and chuckled. “Your mom’s probably right. I wish anyone, but Mercedes was running this.”
Derek grinned. “She picked on Saffron way worse.”
I snorted. She had. Instead of working with anyone, Saffron spent the hour following her every command. Including being a punching bag for every unnecessary demonstration. I felt bad for him, but he dug his own hole by leading her on for so long.
As if talking about The Greek God summoned him, Saffron stepped to my shoulder. Derek’s friends gave him a dark look and shuffled away from us. Derek looked between his friends and me frowning. I pursed my lips, ready to set the rumors straight, but Mercedes loudly cleared her throat.