Page 51 of Class Studies
Heat flooded my cheeks. My entire body throbbed with excitement. I wanted to scream that we were talking about my scales and not dick, but that would definitely put a stop to operation DUMP.
My phone plinked, and I squinted at the message.
Beryl the Boyfriend: ROFL, I’ll see you tonight, Goddess. Good luck.
I shot Beryl a dirty look, and he stood, his eyes twinkling. “Tanwyn, I’m not sure if I put my GS shorts on the right way yesterday. Walk with me?”
Tanwyn looked over at Beryl and gave him a confused look. “What?”
Beryl crossed the invisible line between the men in my life to give Tanwyn and nuggy. “Just go with it, bud.”
The summoner broke out of Beryl’s headlock and narrowed his eyes. He looked back at me.
I gave him an apologetic smile, handing him my pillow. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Maybe we can have lunch, so I can apologize again.”
Tanwyn stood and accepted my butt cushion. “You don’t need to apologize again. But I’ll accept your lunch invite. Happily.”
I wiggled, giving his dark features and firm body a more appreciative once over than usual. He joined Beryl. The two of them, flanked by the MA agents, marched out.
I glanced at the remaining mages before looking at the floor. I didn’t know what the right thing to do here was. Letting Saffron stick with us was what he needed for our little show, but I couldn’t risk him stopping my transaction with Nitis.
Ashe crossed his arms over his chest. “We can leave together.”
Saffron narrowed his eyes. “Together it is.”
Tension sparked between the two mages. I squeezed my thighs before walking toward the exit. If we could at least get away from Officer Keres, I could explain. Hopefully.
Chapter 10
“I don’t know your fucking game.” Ashe leveled Saffron with his gaze. “But leave A out of it.” He pulled my bookbag out of my locker and dropped it into his dimensional pocket.
I pointed dramatically at the shimmering line of Ashe’s magic as it dissipated. Saffron glared at me. Right then and there, I made it my new mission in life to make sure Saffron spent every minute with me, watching others carry the stuff he said no one would.
Ashe slammed the locker shut, bringing me back to reality.
“Saffron needs—” I began.
“I’m all in.” Saffron clenched his fists. “I messed up. I didn’t know what I wanted, but I know now. I’m fighting for her.”
Ashe stepped aggressively forward. “You’ve set your fucking sights on what’s mine.”
Saffron squared his shoulders. “Aphy doesn’t belong to anyone.”
I kicked a rock with my toe.
Ashe and Saffron hated each other, and I didn’t even know how to start fixing that. I thought Beryl and Saffron would be challenging, but my cat analogy kept getting more accurate. They seemed content to live in each other’s space and share as long as they could occasionally hiss and pee on what they thought belonged to them.
I wrinkled my nose. I needed a different analogy.
“Maybe not, but you will not be a fucking part of any of this, ever,” Ashe spat.
The Gentle Giant tried to pull me to his side, but I slipped away and walked toward the greenhouse. Both mages hurried to opposite sides of me.
I slowed down when they didn’t immediately start arguing again. “Saff, it’s probably best if you go to GS.”
“Aphy.” Saffron brushed my arm with his fingers, and Ashe snarled.
The Greek God slid his hands into his pockets and scowled. “You don’t need to only rely on Ashe. Let me walk you back to your tower, at least.”