Page 52 of Class Studies
I clicked my tongue. “I’m not going to my tower yet.” I stared at the Greek God. “I, well, need to pick up a few items from Nitis.”
Saffron scowled and ran one of his hands through his hair. “What are you doing making deals with that guy? He’s worse than Beryl, like a hundred times worse.”
I winced, feeling stupid all over again. I briefly closed my eyes and imagined my freedom once I no longer needed to transfer into people. Confidence filled my shoulders. “I don’t want you to get into trouble or lose more good on your Aptitudes than you already have.” I kicked at another piece of stray rubble. “And with your parents being here—"
“Aphy, stop talking,” Saffron growled.
I bristled but shut my trap for a few steps. “Saff—”
“I’m not leaving your side.” Saffron snapped. “You might have a list of reasons I should, but I have a list of reasons I shouldn’t. I won’t pry into your personal affairs but having a backup is never bad.” His gaze bore into me. “I need you healthy and whole at my side tonight.”
I bit my lips together and focused on the ground.
Ashe eyed us. “What’s fucking happening tonight?”
I sped up. To my surprise, Saffron gave Ashe the abridged version of what he told me earlier. Ashe turned red in the face and pounded one of his fists into his palm. I slowed, ready to spring between them.
I already saw the results of their only fistfight. Ashe came away with a black eye, and Saffron looked fine. I wasn’t sure if Ashe could force the martial arts-loving mage away from us even if he wanted to. Ashe came to the same conclusion. After flexing a final time, he slid closer to me, and we continued our trudge to the other side of the massive courtyard.
“Why aren’t you asking more fucking questions about our exchange with Nitis?” Ashe eventually said into the stiff silence.
Saffron narrowed his eyes. “I trust Aphy, even if she doesn’t trust me yet.”
I winced but didn’t correct him.
It didn’t take us long to get to the blind spot in the cameras outside the greenhouse.
Nitis waited at the side of the building. He took a drag on a cigarette before dropping it to the ground and putting it out with his foot. He went in through a side door without acknowledging us—his pink tie, braided into his long black hair, trailing a split second behind him.
Cautiously, we followed him in, Ashe in the lead and Saffron bringing up the rear.
After squeezing through a tiny opening, I found myself amongst the vines and flowers Professor Garnet brought me the first time we pleasured ourselves. My cheeks flushed from the memory. The hanging chair lightly rocked of its own accord as the heat and humidity sunk into my skin.
Nitix held out his wide palm. “Scale first.”
Ashe pulled out my scale and held it up.
Nitis pointed at me. “My deal’s with her. I didn’t split the minute she wasn’t alone because of our mutual acquaintance.” He narrowed his eyes at Saffron. “There are no cameras in here, Glosbe. If anything goes wrong, you’ll be to blame.”
I wasn’t familiar with Glosbe, but Saffron ground his teeth together like it was an insult.
Fear prickled down my spine, but I couldn’t turn back now. I plucked the scale from Ashe’s hand and cautiously walked forward to place it in Nitis’ waiting palm. He gave me a nod before I scampered back between Ashe and Saffron.
Nitis drew a pink rune in the air and set my scale on it. He opened his dimensional pocket and pulled out a potion with his right hand. Completely independent, his left hand swirled and sliced through the air drawing two complicated runes at once. Some type of binding made up the base of one, but I couldn’t keep track. His right hand dripped the black liquid from the potion bottle onto my scale. I watched, transfixed. His spells didn’t require a lot of power, but he had at least three, maybe four, going at once. Suddenly, one of the two he’d been drawing with his left hand shot toward me. It hit me hard on the cheek. I let out a surprised jolt as his magic relit the fire I’d managed to contain in my core.
“What the fuck?” Ashe yelled, throwing his body in front of mine, though too late.
Nitis spared me a glance. “Aphrodite knows. It was in the contract.”
I shook my head. I had moments to read the contract, but it hadn’t mentioned anything about spells slapping me in the face.
As if hitting a light switch, all of Nitis’ magic cut off. He gave us a broad smile. “It was a pleasure doing business with you. Until next time, Aphrodite.”
“There won’t be a fucking next time,” Ashe growled.
Nitis smiled knowingly before turning his back to us. He walked over to a cardboard box sitting at one of the small cross-sections in the manicured flower bed. He tapped it with his toe making it tip slightly, before walking out the main entrance.
I darted around Ashe and ran to the box to ensure my items were in there. The lid unfolded to reveal a large, well-used bowl containing a small jewelry box and a baby box turtle. The little green and brown reptile sucked its legs and head into its shell when it saw me.