Page 62 of Class Studies
Arthur frowned at his wife and completely changed the subject, addressing Saffron. The sparring match began again, only this time, instead of seeing it as a fight, I saw it for what it was. A game played between two very different people who loved each other.
* * *
I stumbled slightly on the stairs, leaving the staff cafeteria. Saffron caught me and tucked me under his arm.
“I’m only leaning on you because the world’s a little happy,” I said, snuggling in and enjoying my light-headed buzz.
Saffron kissed the top of my head and slowed our steps. “Is this your first-time having wine?”
I nodded. “It was really acidic and chalky.”
Saffron nodded seriously. “I’ll make sure we have some Riesling or maybe a Gewurztraminer for you to try next time.”
“Ah, excuse you?” I said, at the unfamiliar word. I wrinkled my nose. “I feel like I need to apologize to you for talking too much, but I won’t.”
Saffron squeezed me to his side. “You don’t need to apologize. I’d no idea my dad thought I was learning anything here, and I’ve never heard him laugh like that.” We walked for a few more steps. “I got what I wanted. I’ve taken control of my future. Though I thought it would be a harder fight.”
“Your mom loves you.” I ran my hand down his back to squeeze his butt. It wasn’t as bubbly as Beryl’s, but I still loved it. “Everyone wants the same thing in the end. I’m pretty sure that was one of Doctor Roy’s trust lessons.”
Saffron shook his head and guided my hand away from his bum. I wiggled, enjoying the warm feeling bubbling in my chest.
When we entered my tower, Ashe and Beryl sat across from each other on either side of a folding table with matching plastic chairs. A chessboard sat between them with a half-played game.
Ashe immediately stood and crossed his arms over his chest.“Fucking hands-off.”
I wiggled out from under Saffron’s arm and slid over to my couch. “Not tonight, Ashe. I had a surprisingly good time.”
Ashe’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline, and his gaze flicked to Saffron, who was filling a glass with water. I yawned, my happy buzz quickly devolving into a sleepy one. Saffron pushed the liquid into my hands, and I drank all of it in a series of slurps.
Ashe growled. “She’s drunk.”
“I’m right here.” I waved the empty glass in the air. “And I’m tipsy and now tired.”
I stood, handing Ashe the glass, and waltzed past Saffron before grinning down at the still seated Beryl. His sapphire gaze traveled down my dress with a hint of sadness.
A thought tried to enter my head, but I pushed it down. I had a good night tonight. If it was important, I’d remember it in the morning.
I held out my hand to Beryl. “I know it might be early, but snuggle me until I fall asleep?”
Beryl shot to his feet. Ignoring my hand, he pulled me into his arms. “Always, my Goddess.”
I turned and looked hard at Ashe. “Saffron’s on the couch tonight. Play nice.”
Saffron snorted while Ashe narrowed his eyes at me. I peered right back at him before nudging Beryl up my stairs.
Chapter 12
I’ve no idea if Beryl fell asleep when I did, but I woke up the next morning wrapped in his arms with Ashe’s legs on top of us. A thin layer of snow glowed against my windows in the predawn light.
I carefully extracted myself from my snoring boyfriends and threw on my PJs and Beryl’s sweater.
A slight headache distracted me as I crept down the metal stairs, trying not to wake anyone up. I paused at the bottom, and all I could hear were Saffron’s light snores from the couch.
Books and three coffee mugs covered the folding table. Based on the evidence, I passed out, and my guys came to some mutual agreement. I wrinkled my nose, realizing I included Saffron as one of mine.
Maybe I could just take his mom.
I wrinkled my nose as a warmth curled in my stomach. I might never know my parents, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t have a family.