Page 73 of Class Studies
“Aphrodite!” Abe snapped.
I looked down as smoke curled off my potion.
Abe screeched, and I put my hands over my ears. I was used to her getting mad, but this was over the top.
“Start over, this instant!” She jumped up and down. “I understand you have a lot on your mind, but it cannot affect your work in my class!”
She trembled with rage, her dark rims too bright.
I ducked my head.
All bookings for the Alchemy Lab went through her. Tederwinkle implied they were friends, but that might not be true. He might be forcing her to do something. I abruptly stood and streaked to the pantry to start over and get out of her line of fire.
I tried to focus on my work, but I couldn’t stop thinking about tonight.
Tederwinkle had to at least question the legality of my spell. Otherwise, I would have gone to my advisor with the request. I yanked on my braid hard enough to bring tears to my eyes. I didn’t trust the recruiter, but he’d already done the legwork for me. I planned on asking Abe, anyway. This way, my guys could stay safe with their hands free of my dark taint.
My shadow’s red eyes appeared in front of me, and smiled.
I shook, banishing her. Although I was proud of myself for not using magic on Alrick today, I was also disappointed. Someday, I would be able to defend myself. I had to believe that.
“Focus on your own task, Beryl,” Abe snapped into the quiet room. “All of you. There are too many wandering eyes today.”
Class dragged on.
Only Saffron and Tanwyn managed to transfer power from the potion to the rune by the end. Having started over, I barely got my recipes finished. Beryl and I exchanged looks. His magic was internal only. He also couldn’t charge a potion. Neither of us understood how we were supposed to be involved in this.
The double fog horn woke Ashe with a start. I laughed. As he sat up, a pile of drool became visible on one of my books.
I scowled. “Hey…”
Officer Keres entered the lab, cutting off my complaint.
“Can I have everyone’s attention, please?” He said from the doorway.
Every student, including me, stopped cleaning up their workstations.
“The blizzard has picked up.” Officer Keres locked his hands behind his back. “I’m sure you’ve seen the notification. Those of you with classes outside the castle are to report to your new room assignments, except for Metaphysics.” He looked at his phone. “I’ve been told there’s an unused ballroom they call the ‘Arena.’ It will host a modified version of GS.”
He looked directly at Beryl. “Beryl, you’ve been assigned snow duty with the rest of the internal mages, as you can control your body temperature and strength. My men will escort you to your volunteer station.”
“Ha, volunteer station.” Beryl slapped his leg. “Happy to be a living snowblower, sir.”
Officer Keres didn’t take the bait. “Metaphysics is canceled. Those in that class are cleared for independent study. Professor Garnet’s available in his office for the next hour to clear any collaborative magic practice.” He pointed at me. “Aphrodite, please come with me.”
I wrinkled my nose, placing my things into my bookbag. “What do you think he wants me for?”
Ashe tamed his beard. “I’ll go ask.”
Once I cleaned my worktable, I hurried past Abe’s desk. She scowled but didn’t say a word.
The reason Officer Keres needed me wasn’t a big mystery. He gave Ashe a task, which my Gentle Giant reluctantly accepted, before leading me to the library. Unlocking The Nest, Officer Keres stepped aside so I could pass him to go in. His large bodyguard waited outside the door, ready to put his commanding officer down if I made him go rogue.
Although guilt twisted my stomach, I kept myself from smiling. The bear of a man was there to protect Officer Keres from little me. Fuck Alrick.
Officer Keres waved toward the door. “I’m going to lock you in.”
My heart stopped, and I gripped the table for support.