Page 2 of Deadliest Throne
With having a new little baby already born and depending on us, all I could do was pull myself together and move forward.
I became so focused on Andrew, getting my high school diploma, and making sure I was taking care of myself to keep Baby Bird safe and healthy that I’ve avoided dealing with Link.
For the most part, things between the rest of the guys and me have been the same. They are all amazing daddies who deal with blowouts, screaming matches, and sleepless nights.
They treat me like a queen, making sure I’m loved and cared for as well. They’ve been my rock through all of this.
Now, that it’s summer, I can officially say that I finished school and graduated alongside Hunter, which just happened last week. I was surprised they let us walk across the stage with the other students. I was even more surprised that Link actually let me go out in the open like that.
Probably because every single Black Venom Crew member was in attendance, armed and ready to take down anyone who so much as looked at me wrong. Makes sense why the girls who used to fuck with me didn’t so much as acknowledge my existence.
“Baby Bird is also fine.” I miss Link. And I hate that it hurts to look at him sometimes. For the most part, I love the crazy shit they do. I’ve never had an issue with the way they take control or make decisions without my permission when it comes to me and my life. But this... this was one step too far. And the fact is, it feels like Link was trying to replace our angel baby with Baby Bird. I could be wrong, I could be overthinking it, but out of all the guys, he never seemed to grieve over the loss. He just became fixated on knocking me up again.
I know he was only trying to help in his own fucked up way. But for once, it wasn’t what was right for me.
The thing with Link is, you can argue with the man until you're blue in the face, but in his mind, he knows best and there’s no convincing him otherwise.
That's why I know I can’t keep this up between us. I can’t live without him, and he will never apologize because in his mind, he did nothing wrong. I know that, and I’ve accepted that. I love him despite his flaws. He’s already surprised me by the bit of humanity he’s shown towards the babies and me; I don’t and won't expect much more than that.
I know, it might sound fucked up and toxic, but no one understands these guys like I do. I can’t even begin to explain our love or how it works. It just is, and I don’t care. I don’t mind.
“Have you eaten?” he asks, brows furrowing.
“Yes. What I was able to keep down, anyway.” Morning sickness has been a fickle bitch that I am more than happy with seeing fuck right off.
“Are you okay?” I shiver at the worry in his tone.
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” He takes another step forward, raising his hand like he’s going to touch me but pauses mid-air. My gaze flicks over to his hand and the specks of blood that paint it.
“Really?” I shoot him an unimpressed look. “We’re about to go to our son's christening and you couldn’t even wash the blood off your hands from whatever sleazy scum you rid the world of.”
“You said to be home by three. So, I’m home by three,” he growls. “Don’t push your luck with me, Raven. I’m already strung so fucking tight that I’m about to snap. The only reason why I haven’t bent you over my fucking knee and punished you for being so damn stubborn is because you're pregnant.”
I take a step forward, eyes locked with his. “Do it,” I taunt him. “Put me over your knee and spank me like the naughty girl you're so convinced I am.” I know he won't. That's the biggest change I’ve noticed about him. Out of all the guys, he’s been the one to treat me like I’m glass. I fucking hate it. Where’s the guy who wrapped his fingers around my neck and choked me as he fucked me like a savage.
The man who made me gag on his cock in front of his whole crew?
It’s part of the reason why we haven’t moved past what he did. He won’t talk about it. Talking about feelings isn’t something Link does, ever. That’s on top of the fact that he has been avoiding me, for the most part. When he’s not avoiding me, he’s treating me like a breakable doll.
How did we go from fucking every day to nothing in months? Fucking months.
If I didn't know this man as well as I do, I'd be worried he's been out fucking around, since he can't seem to live without sex. Or at the very least, taking it out on Quinton. But when I asked Q about it, he promised me they hadn't done anything other than their little show for my benefit. Not that I'd be opposed to it. I don't mind them having a relationship within our group.
The air crackles between the two of us as my breathing turns into quick little pants. I want him to take me in his arms, to spin me around and shove me over the couch, force his cock into me and make me scream.
The old Link would. But this one? He blinks, breaking our little stare off and takes a step back. “I’ll go wash up.”
He steps around me, and I close my eyes, willing the tears to fuck off.
“You okay, Dove?” Travis asks me, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I sigh, leaning back into his touch as he places his hands on my belly and kisses my temple.
“Not really. But I will be,” I murmur.
“Be patient with him,” he tells me. “I know it might be hard to believe based on his actions, but I think he took the loss of our angel baby harder than all of us. At least, out of us guys. You don’t see how he is when you're not around. He’s grieving. And while I know he’s not sorry for knocking you up, he’s just as worried about Baby Bird.”
The back of my eyes sting. “I just wish he would talk to me.”