Page 3 of Deadliest Throne
“I know.” He rubs my little baby bump. “But he’s Link. And this is who he is.”
“I know,” I mimic back. I’ve known from the beginning that there is no changing Link and if I went into a relationship with him expecting to try, I would be only disappointed. But the fact is, I don’t want to change him. I love him for exactly who he is. It’s just hard sometimes when I don’t know what I might get from him.
“Everyone ready to go?” Quinton asks as he steps through the front door. “Car seat is all set up, just need his diaper bag.”
“Andy texted and said she was on her way. So did our moms,” Taylor tells us.
“Alright, little man,” Hunter says, lifting Andrew up over his head. “Who’s excited to be a crossdresser for the day.” Andrew gives him some happy baby babbles that make me laugh.
“What the fuck?” Taylor looks at Hunter like he’s got three heads. “What the fuck are you talking about? The fuck you mean ‘crossdresser’?”
Hunter hands Andrew over to Quinton and grins at Taylor. “He’s gonna be in a dress.”
I roll my eyes. “It’s a christening gown.”
“A gown is a dress, am I wrong?” He swings his amused, playful grin over to me.
“Doesn’t matter. There’s nothing wrong with being a crossdresser. And if one day Andrew ended up being one then we’d love him anyway,” Quinton declares, kissing Andrew's cheek. “Yes, we would. No matter what, we love you. Who you are, who you love, as long as you're happy, that's all that matters.”
Ugh, my fucking heart. These men are my everything.
Fifteen minutes later, we’re at the church. My mom as well as the guys’ moms are there, and as soon as they see Andrew, he’s passed around to be smothered with love from his Nanas.
“So, I have a question for you...” I say to Andy as everyone is busy chatting before the ceremony starts.
“And what might that be?” she asks, lips twitching with a smile.
“While I’m not big into religion, this stuff is important to Quinton. So, that means it’s important to me. A big thing in the Catholic religion is godparents.”
Andy’s smirk falls, replaced by shock. “Hold the fuck up. Are you asking what I think you're asking?”
"Well, if you would let me finish, I guess we would find out." I laugh. "Andy, would you do us the honor of being Andrew's godmother?"
“Are you kidding me?” She breaks into a massive grin. “I’d fucking love to!” She grabs me and pulls me into a hug. I laugh, hugging her back. We’ve found our way back to how things used to be, and now, we hardly go a day without seeing each other. She came over all the time to study with Hunter and me. It was mostly to cuddle Andrew, but who can blame her?
“Paws off my baby,” Link growls, stepping behind Andy.
Andy lets go of me like I’m a hot stone and steps away. Poor girl is still scared shitless of Link. I don’t blame her. I know what the dickhead said to her. And while I told her more than once that I’d never allow him to hurt her or her dad, it didn’t make her feel any better. Another thing I don’t blame her for. Because at the end of the day, while I have a lot of say with Link, he still does what he wants.
“She’s not touching your baby. She was hugging me.” I glare at Link, annoyance filling me.
“My baby is in you, therefore, she’s touching my baby.” He holds my stare, and I just want to slap him.
“You’re crazy,” I mutter.
“And your point is?” he counters dryly.
“Sometimes, I just want to wrap my fucking hands around your neck and squeeze,” I snarl, taking a step towards him until we’re toe to toe.
“Do it,” he dares me. “I’d love to see you try.”
“As much as I love your fucked up foreplay,” Taylor interrupts, “the priest is ready to start.”
We stare at each other for a moment longer before the jackass gives me the smallest smirk and turns away.
“I need to get laid,” I mumble and Andy snorts out a laugh.
“I mean, I wouldn’t judge you for fucking in a church.”