Page 103 of Psycho Shifters
Whatever, I probably couldn’t have helped the spider fae anyway. It had likely been some trap.
Together, the three of us limped down the side of the mountain to find Jax. He had all the betas. He’s fine.
With his snake eyes gleaming and a creepy smile on his face, Cobra buried his cold hands in my bloody fur, on my back. I was so large I stood near his shoulder.
Ascher limped beside us but stood proud, his horns big and his terrifying snout puffing frosty clouds in his wake.
Even numb, I noted we looked like a creepy macabre painting, red blood and black fae blood dripping a trail behind us.
When we limped back to the forest, we found Jax and the betas standing atop a tied-up spider fae.
Jax roared with excitement as he stood over his prize.
Auntie had said the ultimate mission had been to capture a fae creature, but all had either escaped or been killed in battle.
This was a huge victory for us.
Standing in front of the betas, Ascher transformed back into his male form. All six feet, five inches of glorious tattooed male stood naked on display. His abs rippled as he hurried over to Jax.
Sensing Ascher’s urgency, Jax transformed back naked.
My long tongue rolled out of my mouth as all seven feet of impressive muscles were displayed, his piercings shining against his dark skin.
I wasn’t the only one who noticed.
A bunch of the beta women blushed and openly ogled the alphas. Giggling to each other, with massive guns in their hands, they whispered about the sizes of the alphas’ manhoods.
My advanced hearing caught every salacious piece of gossip. One of the twins whispered, “Jax has the biggest dick I’ve ever seen.” Her twin nodded in agreement.
I couldn’t fault their logic; the man was enormous.
Still, Jax and Ascher seemed worried and unaware of the fuss they were creating. Cobra’s hand tangled deeper in my fur, and I winced a little as his hand dug some of the spiderweb’s barbs deeper into my flesh.
“Cobra created a huge snake, like the biggest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, and it slithered away into this forest,” Ascher whispered into Jax’s ear.
Suddenly, Jax’s gray eyes filled with worry, and he snapped his head over to look at Cobra.
Jax’s face was contorted with fear. Something told me it would be a problem if Cobra’s big snake got loose.
“Cobra and Ascher, with me. We have to do some recon of the battle. Also, Sadie, help all the betas get to the ward, and get yourself checked.”
Cobra disentangled his fist from my fur and walked over to join the other two men.
My beast chuffed in annoyance. You are an alpha. Assert yourself over Jax.
I was covered in a spiderweb and blood, so I nodded and limped back into the compound alongside the other betas.
They could figure out Cobra’s shit on their own. I had a date with a hot bath.
Once inside the locker room, I lay on the ground as the betas dropped off their weapons and left for the ward. I waited to change back into my other form until I was completely alone.
Changing back was easy. The hard part was the fact that the spiderweb didn’t magically poof away like I’d hoped.
Instead, it fell on top of my much weaker flesh and opened thousands of little cuts across my sensitive skin.