Page 104 of Psycho Shifters
Even the numb couldn’t block out the pain as the web’s hooks dug into my sensitive breasts, stomach, and thigh. Biting down on my lip, I screamed at the agony and slammed my head against the cold floor.
Blessedly, I knocked myself out.
* * *
As soon as I came back to consciousness, I wished I hadn’t.
I wasn’t lying on the ground in the warm training room.
My ass was naked. Butt fucking naked, and I was being dragged across the ground like a deer carcass. Through the snow.
Hail and frigid wind battered my exposed body.
I took stock of the situation. And what a situation it was.
A large man hauled me by my feet across the hard ground. His back was to me, but he was fully clothed and looked warm. Meanwhile, the icy conditions pummeled my naked form.
Instantly, I began to kick and writhe about as I tried to free myself from my assailant.
“What the fuck?” I screamed at the fucker who was carting my limp body through the freezing forest, like an elk carcass.
Unfortunately, I was in the aftermath of the numb. As if the cold wasn’t enough, a wave of nausea and queasiness overtook me.
I was being carted with my feet in the air so there was nowhere for my vomit to go but all over my chest.
Anger burst through me at the same time as the pain.
I had worked too hard to be treated like this. I was not a little girl anymore. I was a fucking alpha.
“Put me down and let me go,” I alpha-barked at the fucker.
Immediately, he dropped my legs, like he was surprised by my alpha persuasion.
Sadly, he snapped out of it quickly and grabbed my legs again.
I gasped in shock.
“John, what the fuck?” More bile dribbled out the side of my mouth.
The kind red-haired beta that had tried so hard to be my friend didn’t look so friendly now. He looked harder, angrier, more desperate. Still, he didn’t look evil.
“Yes, let’s not waste time on surprises. I’m about to get a massive payout from the queen, and you are the only thing between me and riches.” John calmly continued to drag me across the cold, snowy ground.
I kicked and tried to gain purchase, but with my legs up in the air, it was almost impossible. John had beta strength, and I needed to recharge the numb. Plus, I was weak in the aftermath of fighting and the world spun around me.
It was hard to focus on getting free when the cold was making my muscles lock up and everything was spinning.
You’re a fucking tiger, Sadie, I reminded myself desperately and pushed through the tingling that allowed me to shift forms. What the goddess?
No matter how hard I concentrated on transforming, nothing happened. Did he have some type of enchantment?
“Why can’t I transform?” I yelled like a banshee as the dizziness continued.
The trees might as well have been leaping about for how steady my vision was.
John said nothing.
“Why can’t I transform? Why can’t I transform? Why can’t I transform? Why can’t I transform? Why can’t I transform? Why can’t I transform? Why can’t I transform? Why can’t I transform? Why can’t I transform? Why can’t I transform?” I yelled it over and over again in the loudest, most annoying voice.