Page 33 of Psycho Shifters
“You fucking dare,” Cobra whispered into a bloody man’s ear.
In the dark mahogany hallway, Cobra held a body up by its hair.
Candelabras on the ceiling cast dim shadows, and the person in Cobra’s hands was missing half their face. Both their arms and legs had been broken, and they had a mangled beard.
My stomach rolled. I had slit the beta’s face open.
It was my attacker. The alphas must have beaten him afterwards because he barely looked alive.
Keeling over, I vomited the contents of my stomach onto the shiny wooden floor.
Cobra looked over at me but said nothing.
He just held up my attacker by the hair, with bloody knuckles.
My mutilated attacker squinted his dark eyes at me, and for a second, the memory of his hand pawing at my breast assaulted my senses.
The door to my room slammed open. Jax, Ascher, and Zed joined us in the dark hall.
Thankfully, no one said anything about the pile of vomit in front of me.
Jax was still growling like a wild animal, and I fixated on Ascher’s head. His curled onyx horns appeared larger and straighter than usual, like they’d grown on his head.
That couldn’t be a good sign.
“He was going to rape her. You can’t punish her for that.” Zed’s dark hair stuck out in all directions, and he was wearing his pajamas.
The null shifter looked frazzled and out of his league, standing next to the three alphas. They were each a head taller and had at least a hundred pounds of muscle on him.
“Rape?” Cobra looked at Jax, who nodded.
Abruptly, Cobra grabbed my attacker’s head with both hands and snapped it to the side.
There was a gruesome crack as he broke the beta’s neck in one move. Cobra dropped the dead body like it was garbage, and with a thud, it hit the ground.
Zed jumped at the violence.
Instinctually, I shifted in front of Zed. If the alphas were going to get violent, I wasn’t going to let them hurt my only friend.
“Run.” I pushed Zed behind me as my eyes stayed on the three alphas in front of me.
A warm hand pressed lightly into my shoulder, and Zed stepped forward beside me. “I’m not leaving you.”
A weird feeling pinched my gut.
No one had stood up for me before, let alone a null shifter against violent alphas.
I stared at my thin protector, and gratitude warmed me. Even though I had just met Zed, it was like I had known him my whole life.
“Don’t touch her,” Ascher alpha-barked at Zed, who jumped again in terror.
An alpha’s bark held persuasion, and Zed immediately dropped his hand from my shoulder.
“Don’t yell at him!” I shouted.
Ascher scoffed down at me but didn’t say another word.
I fantasized about stabbing him with his own horn.