Page 34 of Psycho Shifters
“Calm down now. Everyone, stand down.” Jax acted like he was unaffected, but his chest still rumbled. He stared down at the beta’s corpse like he wanted to murder it all over again and said, “He never should have attacked you tonight. This was our fault.”
His braids hung loose around his massive biceps, and some of the long gold chains dangled down to his waist. They tinkled as he ran his hand through his braids with frustration.
“Are you okay?” Jax stepped toward me like he was going to hold me. An arm’s length away, he stopped and stared down at me.
Glancing up at his handsome face, I nodded automatically.
Warmth burned my cheeks because I had just zoned out while admiring his gold jewelry.
I must have hit my head harder than I’d realized.
“I’m fine.” I was a good liar.
Technically, I was suffering from PTSD from Dick. I was the first female alpha in a shifter realm, and a beta had just threatened to rape me.
I was as far from fine as a person could get.
“I’ll just be getting back to bed. Thanks for taking care of…” I trailed off and pointed at the dead beta on the ground.
“Night, Zed,” I said, and headed for my bed. However, instead of going through my bedroom door, I walked into a brick wall of frosty air and cool muscle.
Cobra stared down at me and blocked the entrance to my room.
“You gonna beat me up?” I bared my teeth at him.
I had watched Cobra fight during training.
He was a merciless beast.
The biting scent of cold frost became thicker, and my nose burned in Cobra’s proximity.
Inches from his chest, I could see that small diamonds and emeralds were also embedded in bands of skin around his pale arms. The jewels sparkled so much they seemed to move.
“What Cobra means to say is that you will be sleeping in the alpha quarters. It is clearly not safe for you to be alone,” Jax said softly.
I looked up at Cobra questioningly and cocked my eyebrow. It didn’t feel like that was what he’d meant to say.
Cobra bent forward until his sharp cheekbones and emerald eyes filled my vision. It was unfortunate that someone so mean was so stunning.
“Why did you cut out his tongue?” he asked, and his breath was warm against my ear.
“Because he was spewing shit.” Another bout of nausea churned my stomach, and I swallowed down bile.
Shrugging my shoulders with feigned nonchalance, I spun on my heels and smiled up at Jax. “Lead the way to my new room.”
Ascher stalked away down the hallway.
I couldn’t tell if he was mad at Jax for inviting me to live with them or mad at me for getting attacked and putting Jax in the position. Either way, he was a drama queen.
“Actually, wait. Do you need me to help pack up my room?” I turned to Zed questioningly.
“No, please go get sleep. I’ll have everything arranged.” Zed nodded and smiled at me with relief. It was obvious the null shifter was glad I wasn’t going back into my room.
“Let’s go, roomie,” I said with a grimace, to Jax. He offered his massive forearm like I was an omega debutante and not splattered in a dead beta’s blood.
Tentatively, I placed my hand around his forearm. He was so large that it was near my head.
“Do you need to see a doctor?” Jax asked.