Page 165 of Psycho Gods
We high-fived each other.
Cobra sauntered over and asked, “When are we going to the mall?”
Sadie frowned up at him. “Do you think you’re any fun to shop with? Last time we went, you spent six hours in a weapons store and refused to look at a single piece of clothing—then you shot the store clerk because he wouldn’t give you a discount.”
Cobra’s eyes flashed. “False. I got the gun for ninety percent off.”
“Because you shot the man in his private area,” Sadie argued.
“Are you surprised by his behavior?” I looked at Cobra’s black sweatsuit and shuddered. “Look how he dresses. It’s disturbing.”
“What the fuck does my sweatshirt have to do with anything?” Cobra looked down at himself. “We’re wearing the same issued clothes.”
I studied my nails. “There’s a huge difference between me and you. I do not wear these rags by choice. Also, I’d like to use this time to bring up that I’ve always thought you dressed hideously.”
Luckily, Jax was walking over because he grabbed Cobra as he lunged at me.
“Perfect.” Sadie did a little dance. “I already have the RJE device ready to go. We can go to the beast realm shops that we loved before. Mitch is the one who gave me the idea earlier, so everyone is cool with it.”
“Really?” I struggled to process what was happening. “Mitch wanted to go shopping? And he told you?”
I’ve entered into an alternate dimension.
Sadie played with her white hair and said, “Technically, Mitch said you would want to go shopping. But he asked me to bring it up to the group without saying it was his idea.”
“My name is not Mitch,” Mitch said as he slammed his cup down on the table.
“Don’t you dare raise your voice at her,” Xerxes said as he walked over with Ascher. He withdrew his knives and death glared at the leader of the kings.
“Let’s go. We can talk shit about the kings and the patriarchy as we try on shoes.” Sadie grabbed my arm and tried to pull me out of my seat.
Key word being “tried.”
I had at least fifty pounds of muscle on her, and it was frankly disturbing how weak she was. I made a mental note to make her do more push-ups again.
“Do you want us to come with you?” Luka offered, then broke into a coughing fit.
I startled as I realized he had dark circles under his eyes that rivaled Scorpius’s. He’d been talking to me through the sleepless nights, which meant he also was extremely sleep-deprived.
Guilt gnawed at my stomach.
“No, if I go shopping, you two need to sleep. I’ve been keeping you up for days. Use it as a chance to rest—please.” I pushed the unruly curls off Luka’s forehead and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
Malum growled like a wild animal.
Luka stared at me like he was trying to read my mind, then nodded. “I’ll miss you,” he whispered.
I gave him a shy smile. “Same.”
Malum made a gagging noise and Orion hit him.
“I would argue, but frankly, I’m dead on my feet,” John said grudgingly as he continued to rub my back in soothing circles. He pulled my hair to the side and gave me a kiss on the back of my neck. “I want all the details when you get back.”
I melted into his embrace. “Of course,” I promised.
“Yay, let’s do this!” Sadie punched me in the side. I struggled to breathe.
Across the table, Jinx made the sign of the devil.