Page 166 of Psycho Gods
I blew her a kiss as we RJE’d away.
* * *
“Just so you know, sir—most men get a clear coat of gloss,” the nail technician said to Malum. She winked and leaned into his personal space.
“Don’t care,” he said gruffly as he looked over at me. “I want the one called ‘destined nights.’” He held up the navy bottle that he’d spent almost an hour searching for. “It’s the color of Arabella’s eyes.”
The woman made a breathy noise. “You’re so devoted. What a lucky woman.” She fluttered her eyelashes up at him.
“You’re embarrassing me,” I mouthed across the room at him.
He smirked wickedly, then settled back into the enchanted massage chair that the five of us were sitting in. We were all getting mani-pedis done at the same time.
Me, Sadie, Malum, Orion, and Scorpius.
Sadie’s mates had wandered off to look at weapons, and I’d encouraged the kings to go with them, since only one of them needed to stay with me, but they’d all refused to leave.
Which was why shifter nail technicians, both men and women, were currently twittering over the devils. For each devil, two people were massaging their legs, while another did their nails.
Meanwhile, Sadie and I each only had one worker.
Apparently, we were not impressive enough to be fawned over. Disappointing.
You’d think the shifters had never seen a seven-foot-tall flaming man before?
A male technician grabbed Scorpius’s bicep and squeezed like he was checking out his strength. The blind devil frowned and furrowed his brow like he was trying to figure out if that was a normal part of a mani-pedi.
I snorted and flopped back in my chair.
Closing my eyes, I grimaced as the woman attacked the thick calluses on my feet. She kept mumbling under her breath about disgusting blisters and smacking my foot with a brush like I was a wild animal.
I debated asking her to stop hitting me but couldn’t find the courage.
“What are you getting done?” I asked Sadie, as I tried to distract myself from the torture happening between my toes.
“Something understated and classy.”
“Smart choice,” I said.
An hour later, I admired my glossy-short black nails. They were perfect for battle.
“What do you think?” Sadie waved four-inch-long rhinestone-covered acrylic nails through the air.
“Cute,” I said. “Good thing we’re not fighting in a war.”
She narrowed her eyes. “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.”
“Think about it.” I patted her head and walked away towards where the men were seated.
“Wait, Aran!” Sadie called after me. “I can’t tie my shoelaces with my nails.”
I ignored her and glared down at the kings, all three of which were still getting their legs massaged an hour later. Sadie and I had gotten ours for fifteen minutes.
“Really?” I asked with exasperation as I stared down at the atrocity that was Malum’s feet. “First, why are your toes so freakishly large? Second, what in the realms made you do that?”
He oozed male satisfaction.
A woman squealed behind me as she looked at his toes, and then there was a thud as if she’d fallen out of her chair.