Page 312 of Psycho Gods
They looked at me like I was deranged.
They weren’t wrong.
No one spoke the rest of the walk because I’d made the energy weird and off-putting. Clearly, I didn’t know how to handle myself in a peaceful setting.
Ornate dragon sculptures framed the front steps of the estate. Towering heavy oak doors swung open as we approached.
As I stepped across the threshold, my skin buzzed.
Memories that weren’t mine played through my head. Men fought in ancient wars. Insane power strummed through their veins. They loved fiercely and fought even fiercer.
For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel trapped.
Everything felt right, like I was where I was always supposed to be.
I belonged.
Unlike in the fae palace or Xerxes’s manor, there wasn’t an army of servants waiting to greet us. The quiet, high-ceilinged foyer was pristine and empty.
The twins looked impressed as they also took it all in.
“Let’s show you to our wing,” Orion whispered. He grabbed my hand and tugged me down the hall. The floors and walls were covered in dark wood.
Scenes of rolling hills and dragons were carved into the wood—it was stunning.
“Do other people live here?” I asked as I looked down yet another empty hall.
Malum shook his head. “There are groundskeepers from the local village who stop by daily to take care of the animals, but that’s it.”
Scorpius trailed his hand across the wall reverently.
Malum explained, “It’s a tradition in devil culture for mates to live alone. The house is covered in rare wood that’s layered with protective enchantments. Devils prefer privacy.”
Scorpius bared his teeth and said, “Only those of the ancient House of Malum can enter. Everyone else needs permission. No exceptions.”
I looked at the twins with confusion.
Orion saw my face and whispered, “Your soul was already tied with theirs when we mated to you. Now all our souls are connected.” He stared at the twins intensely. “The house recognized them.”
Scorpius smirked evilly. “I’ve never heard of a devil mating with more than four people. We’ll have to see what happens. I suspect with time, the twins will manifest soul abilities—I can’t wait to see what you do, John.”
Luka put his arm protectively around John’s shoulder. “We’re here for Aran.” His words were ruined by the way he glanced at Orion with longing.
Scorpius smiled wickedly at John. “No.” He ran his tongue over his lips. “You’re definitely also our mates.”
Orion nodded in agreement, and Malum sized the twins up like he was just seeing them for the first time. He shrugged like he couldn’t care less and turned back to me with a hungry expression.
John tried to hide behind me as Scorpius mimed stabbing him. I patted him on the back. “I can’t wait to see how this plays out for you, bestie.”
He glared.
“I heard Scorpius likes pain,” I stage-whispered, and he lunged for me, but I ducked and blew him a kiss.
Before he could retaliate, Orion led us into a great room with high ceilings and a brick hearth that roared with fire and stood taller than me.
Scarlet leaped alongside blue-and-black flames.
It was no ordinary hearth.