Page 313 of Psycho Gods
My breath caught.
Deep leather couches were spread around the room.
I grabbed a fluffy white blanket and collapsed onto the leather. My face flushed from the heat, and I curled my toes with delight.
It was dark and cozy.
The room was perfect.
“Wait, you can’t fall asleep yet.” Malum yanked the fuzzy blanket out of my grip.
I inhaled enchanted smoke.
One. Two. Three. Four—nope, counting didn’t work.
I tried to yank the blanket out of his grip. Unfortunately, Malum was built like the side of a barn. Orion grabbed me around the waist and pulled me away just before I could scissor kick his mate—correction, our mate—in the balls.
“If you don’t give me that blanket right now, the miniature horses are going to be living with us inside,” I threatened, as Orion carried me away from the couch.
Malum pursed his lips as if he liked the idea.
I gawked at the man I thought I knew.
Holy sun god, my mind clicked as I realized why he was so weird.
Malum was a horse girl.
Everything made sense.
“We need to show you your surprise.” The horse girl raised his hands in the universal gesture of surrender.
I stopped struggling because receiving gifts was one of my love languages. So were words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, physical touch, and begging for my forgiveness.
It was called having standards.
Orion gingerly put me down.
“I’m waiting.” I held my hand out for my present. “Also, I’m suffering from medically confirmed energy backlash. Are you sure this can’t wait until after I sleep?”
All the men looked at one another with sheepish expressions.
“You’ll want to see this,” Orion whispered.
The twins looked at each other and John said, “We also have something to show you.”
Everyone was just full of surprises these days.
I gnawed on my lip. “I didn’t get you guys anything. Was I supposed to?”
“No,” Malum snapped. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
John narrowed his eyes like he was thinking about it. “I’d like a gift.”
All the men glared at him.
The flames in the hearth jumped higher, and the temperature of the room increased.