Page 46 of Kintolf Rising
Standing right outside of the holographic interaction room, I turn to face the guys. Rubbing my hands together, it’s hard to contain my excitement. What I’m about to show them has been my entire life, and I know they’ll love it as much as I do.
“Tia has been helping me re-create our family farm, complete with all the animals. Unfortunately you can’t re-create people from memories alone, but it’s so lifelike!”
I’m overcome with giddiness as the door slides open.
The four of us step inside, the door slides closed, and it feels as if we’re really standing on the family farm. The smell of freshly cut grass until the light breeze shifts, and then the smell of the pig lot. Okay, I could’ve done without that one, but I wanted it to be real. Still, what was I thinking?
Turning in small circles, arms held wide, I say, “Look at this, can you believe it?”
My dog Henry comes loping up the hill with his tongue hanging out, tail wagging. A black and white mostly Border Collie, he’s a friendly dog and looks happy to see me. A smile spreads across my face.
Programmed to look and act just like my dog at home, holographic Henry leaps in the air and almost tackles me to the ground. The guys tense before I drop to my knees and let him lick my face, soaking me in dog slobbers.
“I missed you too,” I say, laughing and nearly toppling under his weight.
Once he’s given me all his kisses, I give his ears a good rub and stand.
“That is your best friend?” Zeno asks, eyebrows rising. I can’t tell if he’s impressed or appalled.
“Yes. Go on—pet him.” I gesture to Henry, who is sitting on his hind legs, tongue hanging out the right side of his mouth.
When Zeno takes a step toward Henry, my holographic dog hunkers down and bares his teeth. Surprised by the reaction, I glance over my shoulder and see all three of them answer his growl by peeling their lips back to show their canines.
What is this?
I move next to Henry, bend down and scratch his floppy ear while giving the boys the stink eye.
“Stop it, he’s just a dog.” Meeting Henry’s large brown eyes, I try to console him. “It’s okay boy, I won’t let the big men hurt you.”
Vi’del scratches his chin, looking a little confused. “You are taking his side?”
“What side? He’s a dog, and none of this is real.”
I huff out a sigh. This is not going as planned.
Tekil straightens. “It feels and looks real enough to me.”
“Never mind!” Exasperated, I turn to Henry. “Go on, go play.” Turning back to the three of them, I stand and point with my head. “Come on, let me show you the rest of the farm.”
I point left across the rolling green hills to where the two-story white farmhouse sits with its wrap-around porch. “That’s my house.”
I follow the three of them up the rickety steps, hoping it will hold their massive weight, then silently chiding myself; of course it will, it’s a hologram. Standing in front of the faded yellow front door, I am amazed at how close it is to the actual sun-faded color of the real thing. Zeno stares at the knob, and no one moves.
Hooking a finger in the loop of my pants, I finally ask, “Umm…what are you doing?”
“I am looking for the security pad, but it is hidden well.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
And then I reach around him and let my fingers curl around the knob, twist, and push open the door. Again, no one moves. I shake my head. This is not turning out how I’d hoped.
“Don’t just stand there! Go in or move out of the way.”
Stepping inside, a wave of homesickness hits full force. My house holds warm memories which makes a smile ghost my lips.
“This,” I wave my hand around the area, “is the living room.”
I watch as they inspect it. Trying to see my house through their eyes, I examine the faded wooden floor that creaks when you step in certain places. A large, floral-patterned couch sits in front of a massive rock fireplace. A few old pictures of me hang on the wall; I re-created every detail as best as I could.