Page 47 of Kintolf Rising
Vi’del heads to the large window with thin yellow curtains. Studying the pane, he grimaces. “How do you keep others out?”
“Well, we don’t really have a problem with others trying to break in.”
Frowning, he inspects the slide lock on top of the window before fingering the curtains. I know it’s not much, but even in modern times, farming doesn’t exactly equal wealth and luxuries.
“Come on, let me show you the kitchen.”
Heading through the doorway, I glance over my shoulder in time to see them duck under the frame. They are so big, all of them over six-feet-tall. My father is only five-nine, and my mother is five-three.
Standing in the center of the kitchen, there’s a small round table with four chairs to the left. The right side has one counter for chopping and the essentials for cooking; nothing fancy.
Tekil is giving it a good once over when he finally asks, “Where are the replicators?”
Entwining my fingers together, I rock back on the heels of my feet and grin. “We don’t have replicators. We cook our food on a stove.”
“I see.” He frowns, and my feet plant firmly on the floor. My hands flop against my thighs.
That’s it? Does he even know what a stove is, or is he just dismissing me? I wonder with a mix of disappointment, anger, and embarrassment. He could at least pretend to like my house, even just a little!
My giddiness is long gone when I clomp up the wooden steps, hastily grabbing the rail with one hand. I’m a little irritated that they don’t even pretend to like it. With each frown, they squash the idea of taking them home just a little more.
Turning left at the top of the staircase, I step inside my bedroom. I’m really not thrilled about showing them around anymore.
“This is my room.” I wave them in and let my arm collapse at my side. My voice is emotionless and cold, but hey, what do they expect?
The three of them crowd inside, making my room appear really small. My double bed with its blue comforter sits next to the far wall. A brown dresser with an oval mirror is placed opposite the bed. The window is draped with a blue floral curtain blowing from a light breeze.
Zeno heads over and examines this window too, frowning yet again as he lowers the pane and flips the latch back and forth.
Tekil picks up a brush laying on the dresser, then checks out various other objects. Flicking open a small pink jewelry box, soft music plays and the little ballerina twirls in circles.
I huff out a frustrated breath and finally give up. “Let’s just go back to the ship.”
I spin around but Zeno grabs my hips with both hands before I can make a hasty retreat.
“Not so fast, little one.”
Turning to face him, I rest a hand on my cocked hip. “Why? You obviously don’t like it!”
He’s shaking his head. “Perhaps we see things with another perspective.”
I shrug. His eyes are different—he is as alien to me as I am to him, they all are—but he should at least be interested to see where I used to live. This farm is a big part of what made me who I am today. That and being held prisoner, this maybe dominant something growing inside me…okay, I’m not really making my point.
Tekil lays a gentle hand on my shoulder, which I suppose is intended to soften the blow when he says, “We see how unprotected you were living here.”
My arms flop in the air then collapse at my sides. Why don’t they get it?
“There’s nothing I need protection from on Earth! And even if there was, that’s why I have Henry.”
Okay, that’s not entirely accurate. Earth isn’t some perfect utopia; there’s always a chance, albeit small, that someone might break in and kill us in the middle of a robbery…but it’s a teeny, tiny chance that doesn’t really count.
Vi’del crowds me, boxing me in with his arms braced against the wall. His breath caresses my face, making my core tighten and my heart gallop.
“If you want an honest opinion,” he says, “I actually like seeing where you lived, and where you slept. But looking at your sleeping quarters, all I can think is that that bed is too small. The four of us would need to take turns, and still, we might break it.”
The breath rushes from my lungs and my mind fills with images of me and him on the bed together, arms and legs everywhere as he ravishes my body.
My hand reaches down to cup his cock. A slow, wide grin spreads across my face when I feel his erection standing ready, and I lift one brow seductively. “Want to give it a try?”