Page 48 of Kintolf Rising
His mouth brushes against mine, luscious lips moving slowly in a tender kiss. I’m lost, and then he shatters the moment. “I wish. But I do not have the time to go slow, like you deserve.”
I almost offer a quickie, but even with the three of them, I’m not that bold. Yet. I swallow hard.
“Let me show you the barn,” I say breathlessly.
Vi’del holds his body against mine a moment longer, then pushes back against the wall.
Zeno leans in, his massive shoulders against the doorframe. That smirk on his face drains my desire entirely. I push around the three of them, heading down the stairs and out of the house as quickly as possible.
Tekil, the ever-observant one, trots up beside me. “Is something wrong?”
I slow down, then turn to face him. Hands on hips, I’m irritated.
“I don’t know how you can all get revved up in an instant and then turn it off like a switch. Especially when you—or rather ya’ll— never even had sex before me, on this ship! I mean, you should be wanting it all the damn time. You’re men, for cripes sakes!”
I blow a strand of hair from my face, fuming and exasperated.
“It’s not that we don’t want you…”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. There’s a lot of work to be done. Maybe one day you’ll let me in on the lucrative secret. And how do you know how to work my body every night if you were virgins?”
“Just because we never had sex doesn’t mean we don’t possess the knowledge,” Tekil replies calmly. “And now we know what we were missing.”
Always the sensible one…I think fondly.
Zeno’s hand circles my wrist, pulling me in front of him. His fingers lightly trace the outline of my jaw. “Unlike the original Kintue, we follow our instincts.”
How terrible for the originals. Living their entire lives without knowing pleasure and sex…
Vi’del snags me around the waist, pulling me away from Zeno and into his arms. “Don’t feel bad for them,” he says, as though he can read my mind. “They are perfectly fine with the way things are. We, on the other hand, will not turn back to the old ways.”
Threading his fingers through my hair, he grabs a handful and forces my head back. Soft lips move over mine, and quickly turn more demanding. Slowly, I slide my hand over his chest, moving down his hard abdomen until I reach…yep, he’s still hard.
Vi’del moans into my mouth and breaks the kiss. “We cannot. Your bed is too flimsy.”
“There’s always the floor.”
“I have to get back to work soon.” At least I hear the remorse in his strained voice.
It takes a minute (or three) for us to calm down enough. When I turn, Tekil and Zeno have amused expressions on their faces.
Zeno pushes off from the side of the house. “Show us the rest of your farm.”
Stepping off the porch, I head down the hill, and when we reach the pig lot surrounded with a barbed-wire fence, turn left for the barn.
Glancing over my shoulder, I see Zeno bending to inspect the sharp fence. “Now this is interesting. Your animals are more protected than you are.”
Finally, something impresses him, and then he follows it up with a slight. Just as I was about to open my mouth, two curly-tailed pigs come squealing around the corner. Zeno jumps to his feet, then haunches down. Tekil and Vi’del straighten.
Realizing that Zeno plans to fight the pigs, I laugh. “You could never catch them.”
And just like that, I’ve returned the favor with a minor insult. He shouldn’t talk that way about the family farm. Even though I wanted to get away, I’m still proud.
Zeno’s face morphs into seriousness. “Is that a challenge?”
“No,” I reply, laughing. Although, watching him chase after a pair of pigs would be comical… “Come on, let me show you the rest.”
In the field just beyond the barn, black and white cows graze. To the right, the mares gallop around a rink.