Page 28 of Sinned
“I need to get back to the hotel,” she said as she stood. “I’d really like it if you came with me. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
“You came with someone?”
How could I think she was still single? Of course there was someone else. My stomach felt sick at the thought of it.
“I brought my son,” she said. “I’d really like you to meet him.”
I was too stunned to respond so I nodded my head. I removed my stole and left for the bedroom to change into a pair of jeans.
She has a son? Dozens of questions filled my mind, but I didn’t ask them. I was painfully aware that I had no claim on her, despite believing she was mine.
We left the apartment and took her rental to her hotel. Ava’s hands trembled as she gripped the wheel. She made chit chat, but I didn’t know what she was saying. My mind was focused on meeting another man’s child. I couldn’t even bring myself to ask her if she was married. I was afraid to hear her say yes.
As we rode the elevator she began to talk about her son.
“His name is Christopher, you know, like the saint,” she said nervously.
“Yes, I remember. Do you still wear his medallion?”
She pulled out her necklace and showed it to me. Next to it was a dark red stone. She let the necklace drop back into her shirt and pointed ahead to a room.
“It’s right up here,” she said.
“How old is he?”
“Almost five and a half. He’s really smart too. You’ll see.”
As the door unlocked, I heard the voice of an excited child followed by a half hearted scold. A shaggy haired boy greeted Ava at the door and threw his arms around her as she kneeled down to his level.
Christopher was the spitting image of Ava. She whispered something to him and then turned to face me.
“Christopher, this is an old friend of mine Charles,” she said.
He looked at his mother and then shyly towards me. Slowly his eyes looked up at me and I saw the same shade of blue as mine. I was stunned, but instantly felt love for him. I never considered having children before and as I stared at him in amazement I wondered why. He smiled slowly as I lowered myself to his level.
“We have the same name,” he said.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“You’re Charles and I’m Christopher Charles,” he said as he grinned.
“Well I think those are both wonderful names,” I said, smiling.
Christopher skipped towards the nanny who held a sweatshirt in her hand.
“We’re going to the park,” he said. “Do you want to come too?”
“No, sweetie,” Ava said. “I’m going to catch up with my friend Charlie. You have fun with Miss Sabrina.”
“Okay, bye!”
My heart sank a bit as he got ready to leave. I wanted to spend more time with him and get to know him better. But more importantly, I needed to know why she took so long to tell me. Christopher waved as he and the nanny walked out and I turned towards Ava.
“When were you going to tell me I have a son?”