Page 1 of Shattered Dreams
My back hurts, I have to pee, Grady needs his pull-up changed and Johnny wanted me to wait on him hand and foot.
“Grady. Please.” I pled with my toddler. “I need you to stop trying to run.”
“Haton!” He pulled me with him as he tried to grab his brother.
“Harrison, come sit here for a minute, so I can do this.”
My three-year-old looked at me, blinked a couple time and ambled over. “Mama? Can we go to park?”
Tears welled in my eyes. Lord knew I wanted to take them to the park, but this pregnancy was kicking my ass and their father was home.
Out of work. Again.
It wasn’t his fault, though. It never was. He always claimed his employers discriminated against him and fired him over bullshit.
This isn’t the life I wanted or dreamed of.
No. You shattered your dreams the day you left Richie a ‘Dear John’ letter.
Ugh. You’d think after four years I’d forget about him.
“Dammit! Lynn!” My husband exploded from the living room. “Where’s my goddamn beer?”
“In the goddamn fridge.” I grumbled under my breath as I finally got the dirty pull-up off Grady.
“Atoomb position!” He squealed with laughter and bent over with his butt in my face.
Shaking my head, I cleaned him up and handed him a clean pull-up. “You know, Grady, if you would use the potty, this would be easier.”
My son ran off without anything on but a tee shirt and socks screeching.
“Fuck! Lynn!” John bellowed from his recliner. “Fuckin’ do something with these kids!”
I closed my eyes, and a tear made its way down my cheek. A moment later, I felt a tiny hand that smelled like Cheetos wiping it away.
“It’s otay, mama.” Harrison wrapped his arms around my neck. “I wuffs you.”
“I love you too, sunshine.” My arms wrapped around his little body and I held on for dear life. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“I get beer, daddy!” He yelled in my ear and ran off to serve his dad.
Pushing my pregnant butt up off the floor was a challenge, but I managed and then made my way to the bathroom.
I threw away the dirty diaper, peed, and then waddled out to the living room. “If you boys want to go to the park, Grady needs pants and shoes. And Harrison, you need to get your shoes.”
“What the hell am I supposed to eat for lunch?” Johnny growled as the boys ran off screaming.
“There’s food in the fridge.” My voice sounded defeated.
He put the leg part down and stood up. “S’cuse me?”
I backed up as he rushed me, and he pinned me against the wall. “John.”
Before I could blink, his hand was up and across my face. “Listen, bitch, you don’t talk to me that way.”