Page 2 of Shattered Dreams
I panted, trying to catch my breath, and tasted blood in my mouth. “I … I’m sorry.”
“Go make my lunch.” He shoved me away to the side, and I caught myself before my belly hit the doorway.
“I’ll get it right now.” My voice came out in a hushed whisper as I turned to go into the kitchen. “Boys. Go play outside for a couple minutes.”
I grabbed my dishtowel to wipe my face and reached for my phone, tapping out a message to my friends.
Hey ladies, I’ll be a few minutes late
We're not going anywhere =)
Seeing Miranda’s quick response made me smile. I couldn’t tell John we were meeting them, or he wouldn’t let us go.
My body trembled as I got the bread out and the leftover meatloaf. I was on autopilot as I slathered Miracle Whip on the bread.
I hate Miracle Whip.
Placing the meatloaf slice on top, I salted and peppered it, then laid the top piece of bread. I put things away, grabbed two more beers and carried it all into the living room.
“Here you go.” I gave John a smile and turned to leave.
“’Bout time.” He grumbled.
I was safe from another outburst.
For now.
The boys sat on the steps waiting for me, smiling up when I came out.
“Let’s go.” I smiled at my angels and held out my hands.
Feeling them clasp mine made my heart swell. Together, we walked to the park. I let them carry on talking and giggling and enjoyed the peace we had in the moment.
I pushed thoughts of John from my mind and focused on the bright, sunny day with a gentle breeze.
Once we made it to the end of the block, we turned left and the park was straight ahead.
“Mama, can we’s go?” Grady bounced around.
“Go ahead.” I let go of their hands and let them run ahead.
The warmth of the day combined with me being pregnant made me sweat like a pig. By the time I waddled to where my friends sat, my clothing was soaked.
“How’s the baby doing?” Vivi smiled at me while she rocked her baby.
“I am so ready for him to be here.” I flopped into a camp chair. “He keeps getting his foot caught in my ribs.”
“He?” Miranda beamed. “When did you find out?”
“Last week.” I sighed and let my head fall back. “John didn’t want to be surprised this time.”
“Always John’s way.” Edie grumbled.
Licking my lips, I pressed them together and lifted my head. “How’s my mom and dad?”
“They’re making due.” Vivi reached for my hand. “They’re worried about you.”
“We all are.” Miranda tilted her head. “You have a bruise on your jaw.”