Page 48 of Wicked Succubus
I hang up and hand the girl back her phone. “Thanks,” I tell her.
“What happened to her?”
“She had a little too much to drink,” I lie. There’s no reason for me to tell her the truth. It’s not like she can do anything about the guy, but I can.
I sit next to her to check her pockets and find a hundred-dollar bill and keys. I feel bad using the money, but I have no cash.
I see the yellow cab pulling up. I give him a little wave as he parks in front of me. I carry the unconscious girl—whose name is Amelia, at least that’s what her driver’s license says—and I settle her down in the back seat.
“What happened to her?” The driver looks concerned.
“Drank too much,” I tell him.
I slide right in next to her, giving the man the address. Fifteen minutes later, we pull up to an apartment complex.
“Can you give me three minutes? I’m going to help her to the door and come back. I want to go back to The Rocket.”
“Sure, but I’m running the time.” He points to the dash.
I get out quickly, pulling Amelia with me. I look at the directory and find her place on the third floor. I use the key to open the door to let me into the complex.
My wings are starting to show, but there’s nothing I can do. I have to take this girl back home. I face the elevator and have an internal debate with myself . . . fuck no, not today, so I fly up the stairs. I finally make it to apartment number 302.
I use the other key to open the door and go straight to the couch. I lay her down and search through the kitchen until I find a bottle of water. I go to the bathroom, open her medicine cabinet, and take out two Tylenol. Her head is going to be pounding when she wakes up.
I lay both items on the table then immediately make my way out. I lock the door from the inside and close it.
I fly down the stairs, happy to find the taxi is still there. I get in and close the door.
“Ready?” The driver asks.
“Yep,” I say.
As he drives, my leg shakes. I’m so nervous and anxious. “I didn’t know it was a costume party,” the man says as I get out of the door.
“It is. Thanks.” I give him the hundred bucks and sprint back to the human who has taken advantage of his last woman. When I see the man still lying on the floor, my knees almost buckle with relief.
I push his body with my boot, and he doesn’t even stir. This will be easy. I inhale and start taking his essence. With each breath I take, his body depletes more and more. He turns purple and looks like decay.
Feeling the high of feeding, I stand up and retract my wings and horns.
I don’t have the time to cover my tracks when I hear that sultry voice.
“I can just make him believe that she’s dancing with him, but we can have her all to ourselves,” Killian says, too excitedly.
I need to make sure it isn’t evident that a Succubus did this, but I have no choice. Either way, the body will be found. I just don’t want to be next to it when it is.
As footsteps grow closer, I make a break for the trash cans. The lid I open reeks of mildew and nasty shit, and all I want to do is throw up, but I climb inside, leaving the lid cracked just enough for me to see out of.
Killian and Rhett see the body immediately, and their eyes shift up and down the street as they approach it. Both of them squat next to the decaying corpse to assess the kill. They glance at each other, and the way they smile is chilling.
“She does exist,” Killian says. His dark eyes swirl with anticipation. I hold in my breath.
I’ve just revealed myself, and now they won’t stop looking until they catch me.
Chapter 25