Page 49 of Wicked Succubus
“We’re purging the evil from this world.” Rhett licks his lips and widens them into a sinister smile, “And when we capture her, she’ll no longer prey on innocent men.”
Innocent? The man lying dead on the ground is anything but. If they only dug deeper, they’d see that all I did was dispose of garbage. The world is better off, especially women.
“We don’t know anything about the other kill, but this one is definitely human,” Killian says as he inspects the body.
Rhett stands up from his kneeling position to his full height, and his stance is big and intimidating. Now that they know that there is a Succubus, they look scarier to me.
My power is vibrating, trying to unleash itself in hopes of protecting me from the threat. I take the comfort and wrap it around me tightly.
I realize why these two were recruited by the Arcana—most supernaturals would fear these hunters. Their powers are exceptionally strong, nothing normal about them. They’re feral, and yet my body craves them like a drug I want to get high on. These men are skilled. I can never show them my true self, or they’ll take me right to the people my abuelita always told me to hide from.
My phone goes off, and I fumble through my skirt pockets trying to grab it. It falls into some sketchy, moldy food, and I try not to gag as I grab it quickly, silencing it.
“Did you hear something?” Killian asks as he stands next to Rhett. Killian looks around the alley searching for the source of the noise.
“Probably the dead guy’s phone,” Rhett replies as he looks to be messaging someone, probably the people he works with, confirming their suspicions.
God, I’m fucked.
I briefly look at the screen and nearly drop the phone again. Fuck, it’s Easton. I completely forgot about him. Last he knew, I went to the bathroom, and I never came back. I was so focused on my mission that I let it slip my mind that I was actually with someone else. It’s been an hour now since I last saw him.
I couldn’t just leave the girl and let the taxi take her. She was unconscious, and it wouldn’t have sat right with me. I don’t trust people, humans or supernaturals. I’ve seen how both species can be evil in their own ways. I should’ve let Easton know that I’d be gone for a while helping a woman get to her house. But even if I did mention it to him, he’d try and look for me because he’d want to help, too. He’s an agent, after all. He would have felt obligated to lend a hand, and then it would have been harder to get rid of him, not to mention my horns were poking out already.
My phone buzzes again, I look at it before I shut it off and cringe when I see Agent Cooper’s number on display. Fuck! He’s going to lose his shit. I know he’s going to try calling until I pick up. He’s an annoying shit. I hope he was calling to tell me that he caught the murderer. It might make it harder for me to get to the person, but I will try my hardest to get the killer from the FBI and feed off of them. This time, I shut my phone off. I don’t need any distractions, and it’s not like I can move anywhere currently. I’m stuck until Rhett and Killian leave.
Rhett answers his call. “Yeah, we think this was the Succubus. Killed a human. Maybe she only kills them and not supes.” He’s silent for a second before he speaks up again. “She’s already long gone.”
I hold my breath and let it out slowly. If anyone found out about me, it would be dangerous to my survival.
Killian dials another number. “We need cleanup of a body. I’ll send you a pin of our location. It needs to be inspected. Please keep it fresh so Rhett and I can take a look at it.”
I only needed ten more minutes to leave the scene with the body. I didn’t have any weapons on me tonight to slice this man open, so I had to use my powers alone.
Sloppy, that’s what it was, very sloppy. I’m not thinking straight, and this is exactly what’s going to get me caught, like now. The guys could have concluded their investigation by saying it was a false claim and let it be, and I could have happily continued doing what I was doing once I caught the killer. But now, this can only end one way, either they die, or I do. The Arcana’s men don’t play. They’ve been trained to be merciless hunters, and the gleam in their eyes just confirms it. I really need to get a new warehouse to lure my victims there. I can’t leave bodies unattended like this for just anyone to find.
“Done,” Killian says as he hangs up the phone and faces Rhett. “We just have to wait for the crew to get here.”
Fuckity fuck. How am I going to get out of here now? I hope they don’t try searching the area. I’m not hidden very well, and I don’t want to deep dive underneath these trash bags. I’m going to need fifteen showers to get the stench off me.
“The Arcana is excited and can’t wait until she’s found.” Rhett stuffs his phone back in his pocket just as Killian’s phone rings again.
“How did you get my phone number?” Killian asks, and I’m wondering who’s on the other side of the phone call. “We’ll be there.”
Rhett lifts his brow up. Once Killian hangs up the phone, Rhett asks, “We’re leaving the body unattended? We never do that. We always stay with it to get answers.”
“Our fun is going to have to wait, brother. It seems like the faerie needs our services,” Killian says mockingly before his tone gets serious. “Another woman has been killed.”
Shit, and my only witness to prove I was here the whole time has been trying to get ahold of me, and I’ve ignored all his calls.
Chapter 26
Zel isn’t answering any of my calls. She’s looking guiltier in my eyes with every minute that passes. By now, I should expect her disappearing acts whenever bodies start dropping. She can dodge my calls all she wants, but each time she pulls this vanishing act, it only raises more red flags. She’s up to something; I’m sure of it, and one way or another, I intend to uncover exactly what she’s trying so hard to conceal. I’ll get the answers I want, no matter what it takes.
The crime scene is buzzing with FBI agents and cops. The agents are walking around the perimeter and speaking with the people who live in the neighborhood. No one has anything that can give us another clue. Either they’re afraid to talk or they honestly don’t know anything.
I go back and kneel next to the victim, making sure not to disrupt anything before the forensic investigators get here. She’s lying on the living room floor with faded symbols surrounding her body. This is for another ritual. But to who and for what are still questions we want to know the answers to. She’s a faerie. Her skin is tanned. I look down at her wrist. It’s barely visible, but I catch a glimpse of a spike. She’s from Summer Court. I’ll have to talk to my father and inform him to pass the information down to King Xoco. There is no blood on this one, but she’s the same sickly purple tint as the other bodies. Her mouth is wide open as if she was screaming.