Page 126 of Serenity
In an instant, space was issued when I only wanted to be in his arms. He squinted, blinked twice, and shook his head. His anger was apparent and rose with every second. I’d never been on his bad side, and I didn’t desire to be now.
“What you saying, Bee? You leaked the video of us?”
“I didn’t leak it, but I had the original in my purse. Now it’s not there.”
Head tilted, he squinted. “What do you mean it’s not there? Where did you take it?”
“I—I didn’t take—”
“Serenity, not the tape. The purse, baby. Where did you take it?”
“Everywhere. I mean… That’s one of my everyday bags. I take it with me wherever.”
Propping his arm up against the pantry door frame, he went silent again with that reflective look on his face. Thinking. Roaming. Composing a solution. Fixing our problems. He never dwelled on problems. Only solutions. It was one of the many things I loved about him. He never lingered long in negativity before locating a potential fix. For several seconds, he held that distant look. Computing with his hands folded atop his head.
“Mya still in your yoga class?”
“No. I had security ban her from the premises when you told me to. Why? Do you think she’d—”
“I don’t think. I know. Did you have that bag with you when you called yourself visiting her?”
It was my turn to showcase the void in my eyes. Lips parted and eyes glazed, I remembered that day in my fiery rage. Carelessly, I had been ambling around with that tape instead of allowing Duke to keep it in his safe.
It was all the confession he needed before desperation morphed into exasperation.
Without uttering another word, Duke stormed out of the penthouse, leaving me standing there holding the bag of marshmallows.
Ambling down the halls of Gray Hotel, only one destination came to mind. Feeling the features of my face transform, I thought about what I’d do when my feet stopped in front of Mya’s door. A collision of blood spewing from the rear of her head taunted my vision as I rode the elevator to the floor below me. This shit was beginning to make too much sense.
The insistent pulsing in my pockets settled my heart and steadied my thoughts as the screen populated. She was calling me.
Not Mya.
“What, Bee?”
“You told me to stay away from her, and I didn’t listen. This is me telling you to do the same, Duke. Get your lawyer on it. Have her place searched. Her fucking computer can be subpoenaed. Come back home, baby.”
Supplication and desperation married her tone. She was worried. Worried about us. Worried about what the future might hold.
Her fears were misplaced. She needn’t worry. I’d made the vow that I wasn’t letting her go, and I meant that shit with every atom of my fucking being.
Was I upset? Naturally. She hadn’t listened and potentially instigated the mess we were currently in. Would I get over it? Of course. That was my baby. My honey Bee
My gaze shifted to the door at the end of the hall where Mya’s condo was located.
Saved by the fucking bell.
Had it not been for Serenity’s call, there was no telling how I might respond once the door peeled back from the frame. Never had I harmed a woman in my life, but Mya’s actions over the last year had taken my head to some pretty dark spaces. Places I never wanted to revisit.
Rotating on my heels, I headed back to the elevator.