Page 202 of Tell Me Lies
“Is there a problem here, Jared?” a voice said several feet away.
He turned to see one of the female swim coaches. He should have been a bit embarrassed since he’d just fucked her the week before in her office after he had practiced. She knew the score, and it was a one-time thing. He released his grip on Skye and stepped back when she pushed him.
“No, Ms. Burke. We were just having a lover’s quarrel,” he said.
“Oh, really? Is that right, Skye?”
He watched Skye pick up her things before she turned to the teacher. “I wouldn’t call it a lover’s quarrel, but we were having a disagreement.”
“Are you sure? It looked like it was physical, and you were struggling?”
“He just pissed me off,” Skye said. “Look, I really have to get home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“That’s fine, but I want Jared to stay. I want to talk with him.”
He almost rolled his eyes. He looked at Skye. “This isn’t over.”
“It is, as far as I’m concerned.” She turned and walked off.
“We’ll see about that,” he said.
Chapter Three
Skye slid into her car, and like the day before, locked the doors before she exhaled and could breathe comfortably.
She started the car and turned on the headlights because of the dim light of the early evening when her gaze fell on Jared. He had his hands on her teacher’s shoulders, trying to push her away while she was trying to get closer to him.
If she wasn’t mistaken, it looked very intimate. Like the two had dated or just had sex before. She could see the desperation in Ms. Burke’s motions as she tried to get closer to Jared, but he kept forcing her away from him.
Skye quickly pulled out of her parking spot and drove away from the parking lot, not wanting to see any more. Her emotions felt chaotic, and she couldn’t seem to settle on just one.
She pulled into her driveway and groaned when she saw her mother was home and had a few friends over. She was especially nasty with an audience, and Skye didn’t have the energy to put up with it.
Skye tried to sneak in the back door and planned to take the stairs to her bedroom quietly. The ladies in the living room had to be close to the doorway to be able to see her. She was halfway up the stairs, just about to freedom, when she heard her mother’s voice.
“Ah, there’s the little piggy.”
Skye rolled her eyes. My mother thought all women should look anorexic to be pretty, and since Skye had boobs and an ass, she continuously called her fat.
“Dear, I want you to meet a few new lady friends. I’ve told them about you…”
“Oh, I’m sure you have,” Skye said sarcastically.
“Watch your tone of voice,” her mother hissed.
Skye could tell her mother was embarrassed, and she loved it. Her mother wanted her friends to see an awkward, fat, “stupid girl,” as her mother liked to call her, but Skye was sick of putting up with the shit. Maybe it was about Jared, but she was fed up with being bullied.
She walked down the stairs and ignored her mother’s anger. She stood in the doorway, waiting for her mother to introduce her.
“Ladies, this is my daughter. I have always thought they switched babies on me because how could I make a child like this?” her mother said, laughing and pointing at her.
“I’ve often thought I was switched, too. How did someone like me—smart, pretty, and generally nice—have a mother who looks like a skeleton and acts like a badger?”
The room was deathly quiet, and she got immense pleasure out of the expressions of the women, especially her mother.
“How dare you!” her mother yelled.
Skye hid her smile. “I’ve never met any other child with a mother who likes to humiliate and hurt her daughter. A daughter that’s never done anything to her and tried to be the best daughter she could.” She looked at the others in the room. “I hope if you have children, you don’t think bullying and harassing them is fun. If I weren’t strong enough, she would have made me want to commit suicide several times.” She turned to her mother. “I’m done. Find something else to pass your time. Maybe play cards. But if you talk to me again like you just did, I will do my darndest to make everyone see you as the horrible person you are.”