Page 203 of Tell Me Lies
She turned back to the ladies. Skye noticed the other women’s shame and was glad that at least these four ladies had shame and feelings for another person.
“I am sorry. I’m sure the last thing you wanted was to watch a family drama. I usually just stand here and let her abuse me and then go to my room. And yes, I have to admit I usually end up crying because I’m human, and it hurts to have someone that is supposed to love you treat you the way this woman treats me.” She stared at her mother. “But not anymore.”
“You little bitch!” her mother screamed. “I’ll have you put in foster care. You’ll regret talking to me like this.”
Skye looked at the horrified expressions on the other women’s faces and almost laughed. “You better watch it, Mother Dearest. Your friends are finally seeing the real you, and I doubt they want to befriend someone like that.”
Her mother turned to see the contempt on her friend’s faces. She saw her mother look calm, relax her shoulders, and then look at her. “Go to your room. We’ll talk about this later.”
“I’m sure we will.” Skye waved at the women. “I would say I hope to see you again, but it looks like I might not be around.”
She reached the top of the stairs when she heard the friends start to berate her mother.
“I can’t believe you would talk to your own daughter like that,” one said.
“I’d be mortified,” another said.
“You wouldn’t really put her in foster care, would you?”
“No, of course not. We have our little tiffs, but she knows I love her,” her mother said.
Skye smiled when the ladies kept at her mother. Skye hoped this would get around town and her mother would be treated like the horrible, entitled bitch she was.
The last hour had gotten Jared off her mind, but now that she was lying in bed, her thoughts were just of him. She wanted to ask what happened between him and the teacher in the morning, but she didn’t want to get close enough to him to ask.
Her bedroom door opened, and her mother stood rigid and angry.
“I can’t believe you did that. You fucking bitch.”
“Why, Mommy, you’ve treated me like shit my whole life. Did you think I’d never get tired of it?”
“You will regret humiliating me in front of my friends.”
“You’re the one that did that all by yourself. You didn’t see the looks on their faces when you introduced me the way you did. They thought it was horrible. Have you really looked at your life? Your friends come and go rather quickly. Did you ever wonder why?”
“Everyone has busy lives.”
Skye almost snorted. “No. They don’t like being with entitled, backstabbing, cruel people. You’re going to end up alone.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” her mother hissed.
“I’ve had friends since I was five, and if I needed them or wanted to hang out, they would be there. That’s what true friends do.” She saw a shadow of confusion on her mother’s face. Maybe, just maybe, this will get her mother off her back.
Her mother turned and quietly shut the door.
Skye lay there and looked at the hardwood, wondering how she had changed so much in so little time. She would never have confronted her mother like that and in front of her lady friends. She smiled. She was pretty pleased with herself.
Chapter Four
Jared got into his car and turned the key. Fuck. When was he going to learn not to fuck a woman who could possibly make his life difficult? He hadn’t thought Ms. Burke would turn out to be clingy, and she’d been worse than clingy. She actually used threats to get in his pants again.
He’d struggled to keep her from touching him. She wouldn’t give up.
“Jesus Christ, Gina. Knock it off.”
“Jared, I thought we had an understanding.”
“Yeah, we did. It was one time.”