Page 52 of Tell Me Lies
Rage’s mind also whirled with questions. How did Hawk’s men know a wedding was taking place today? They have a rat in the club? It couldn’t be any of the patched members. Rage knew each man. They were loyal to the core. One of the prospects then?
“Stay close to me, you understand?” Rage asked Cassie.
The bikers who ran back into the clubhouse had returned and started distributing weapons. Like Rage, most of his MC members had taken cover but not all of them survived. Wrath wrapped around Rage’s entire body as he spotted the bullet-ridden bodies on the ground.
Their enemies had gotten three—no, four—of his MC brothers. These assholes would pay for their mistakes, but that was after Rage hunted down the traitor of the club.
Hawk’s men wove in and out of the parking lot, emptying their shotguns and not caring about the damage they caused. Gears ducked past a couple of toppled chairs and made his way to them.
“Rage, I can get Cassie safely back inside. You focus on the fight,” Gears offered.
“Cassie, go with Gears,” Rage said. He trusted Gears. Gears had joined the MC the same time Breaker did, and Breaker trusted the older biker without question.
“Okay,” Cassie whispered. She clutched the hem of his shirt. “Be safe, Rage.”
“I will. I don’t die that easily,” Rage assured her.
After arming himself with a rifle, Rage joined the gunfight. Together with Breaker and the others, they managed to chase Hawk’s men out of the compound. They even managed to get two of the bastards. Too bad some of the bikers had been overenthusiastic. Rage wanted to take in one of Hawk’s men alive for questioning.
“What a mess,” Breaker grumbled, standing next to him.
Rage looked around the yard, at the destroyed gazebo, overturned chairs, and dead bodies. Then he let out a sigh and told Breaker about his suspicions.
“I came to the same conclusion. Someone told Hawk about the wedding. We were like sitting ducks,” Breaker said, tone getting angry.
Rage was about to ask Breaker how they would go about finding the rat, when his ears picked up a scream. Cassie’s scream. He recognized her voice from a mile away. Not bothering to give Breaker an explanation, Rage broke into a run. His heart raced. Sweat dripped down his front and back. Double damn. This shouldn’t be happening.
Had one of Hawk’s men lingered and gotten his old lady after all? He shouldn’t have left Cassie in Gears’s care. That old man wouldn’t be able to fend off a much younger and fitter opponent. What had Rage been thinking?
He should be the one protecting his girl in the first place. Rage swore that if they both came out of this alive, he would never leave her side again.
Cassie didn’t let up. She kept screaming. Good girl. She was letting him know where she was. Rage panted, reaching the part of the parking lot that faced the clubhouse. He spotted Cassie right away. Her white wedding gown was a dead giveaway.
She was on the back of a Harley, and the driver … Rage swore. That long beard and studded vest was hard to miss. It was Gears. His simmering anger boiled to the surface. Rage ran toward his Harley and started the ignition.
Letting out a howl of fury, he chased after Gears and Cassie. That traitorous bastard. Rage could only think of one reason why Gears turned. Gears always had a gambling problem. That was why his wife left him in the first place. Rage wouldn’t be surprised if the old-timer got into his old habits again and not wanting to burden the MC, found another way to fund his habit. But going to the Devil’s Kings MC? Gears had fallen low.
Rage kicked up his speed. He had to get to Cassie before Gears left Hanging Cove. He quickly closed the distance between them, pushing his Harley to its limits. His motorcycle was built for speed anyway.
Gears must’ve realized he was being pursued, because he kicked his own bike into high gear. His tires screeched as he pushed past the legal speed limit. Adrenaline surged through his system, as he closed in on his target.
“Rage!” Cassie yelled, spotting him.
That also made Gears sneak a look over his shoulder. Seeing Rage in hot pursuit, the older biker became desperate. Gears weaved through the oncoming traffic, nearly colliding into a semi. Rage swore. Gears would do anything to shake him off.
Rage’s face hardened with resolve as they left Main Street and started the road that would lead them both out of town. He had to act quickly. Rage only had to picture what Hawk and his men would do to Cassie—and that provided the motivation he needed.
He made a risky move, executing a swift maneuver that eliminated the distance between the two machines. The two Harleys collided. Metal clashed with metal. Rage had impeccable control. He made sure he rammed into Gears’s side of the bike, to avoid hurting Cassie.
Instead of going faster, Gears skidded to a stop. Rage knew he’d do exactly that. Gears would never gamble his own life. He valued living far too much.
Rage dismounted from his bike, as did Gears and Cassie. Rage let out a shout as Gears pulled Cassie close to him, brandishing a knife against her fragile throat. As the blade touched skin, blood welled. Rage froze.
“Don’t come any closer,” Gears warned.
Rage wanted to pummel this bastard to the ground and make him hurt but that would get him nowhere.
“Why are you doing this, Gears? I thought you were loyal to Breaker, to the club,” Rage said.