Page 53 of Tell Me Lies
“Why? Breaker turned his back on me when he refused to loan me money to pay off my debts,” Gears said, leering at Rage. “It was the MC who turned its back on me. If I turned this little bitch in, Hawk will reward me handsomely.”
Rage narrowed his eyes. When did Gears become such a no-good coward?
“I’m not warning you twice. Release Cassie now and we can talk about your debt,” Rage said.
“It’s too late,” Gears said with a shake of his head. He looked like a man who had accepted his fate. Gears had made the wrong decision and he knew it as well. Even so, he was going to stick to it. “The deal’s already been made.”
Rage met Cassie’s eyes and silent understanding passed between them. He didn’t know what she intended to do but he had to trust her. Without warning, Cassie let out a scream. It wasn’t a shout of terror, but a battle cry. Cassie elbowed Gears in the ribs, making him release her. She then made a break for it, running toward Rage’s side.
Gears grunted and the older biker should’ve retreated right there and then. Things would’ve been much simpler. Gears lunged forward, knife poised for an attack.
In one swift motion, Rage reached for the revolver tucked in his belt. On second thought, he grabbed his knife instead. The MC might have the local police in their pocket, but hearing gunshots in town would disturb the peace. Besides, Rage also needed Gears alive.
Gears was getting on in years, so he didn’t stand a chance against Rage. Rage knocked the knife from Gears’s hand with his fist, then he closed the distance between them, driving his own knife into Gears’s left shoulder.
Gears grunted but he curled his hands into fists, still not giving up. Rage delivered a flurry of well-placed strikes to Gears’s face and body. Gears stumbled backward, disoriented.
Rage’s punch landed him flat on the ground. Rage could hear the rumble of motorcycles nearby. Hawk’s men would’ve left town by now, so those bikes probably belonged to his MC.
The older biker was smart enough to stay down. Gears knew there wasn’t anywhere he could run. It was finally over.
Hawk sent a couple of men to crash a wedding and in the chaos, relied on Gears to take Cassie hostage. It was a good plan, Rage grudgingly admitted. He never expected to uncover a traitor in their midst.
“Why didn’t you kill me?” Gears asked, gasping for air. He even shot Rage an accusatory look. If Rage had his way, he would’ve pummelled Gears to death.
“Because you’re no good to us dead,” Rage said coldly. “Breaker will want to hear what you have to say.”
Gears paled at those words. Cassie touched his shoulder tentatively and Rage automatically pulled her close into an embrace. Breaker was the first to arrive.
The President dismounted from his motorcycle, took one look at Rage and Cassie, then at Gears. Breaker pulled out his gun as he walked toward Gears, who was cowering and begging Breaker for mercy.
“You traitorous bastard,” Breaker thundered.
“Breaker, don’t kill him by accident. I had to hold myself back from putting a bullet in his skull,” Rage said.
“Rage is right. He’s more useful to us alive,” Cassie said, a chill in her voice.
Rage silently approved. He didn’t miss the fact that Cassie used the word “us” either. Cassie might’ve lost her way when she moved to the big city, but she had finally remembered her roots. Another woman would’ve been frantic and overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events but Cassie remained steady and grounded. Nice to know she reacted well in a tense situation. That was his woman, all right.
The sound of Cassie’s voice was finally what got through Breaker. The President tucked his gun back. He curtly ordered another biker to bring Gears back to the clubhouse.
“What a fucking mess,” Breaker said, shaking his head. He looked dismayed. Then again, Rage couldn’t imagine what Breaker was feeling right now. Gears had been in the Death Seekers MC for as long as Breaker. No one predicted Gears would turn.
Breaker let out a heavy sigh, then walked up to Rage and Cassie. He thumped Rage on the shoulder. Pride was reflected in his eyes. Breaker started out his mentor but he was also a father, then a road brother to Rage.
Now, they were more or less partners. Rage would do anything for Breaker, the MC, and … Cassie. When Gears took her, it gave Rage a fright of his life. He’d never been that afraid his entire life. Rage resolved never to experience that again. All he had to do was keep a closer eye on his old lady.
“Thanks to you, my little girl’s once more safe and sound,” Breaker said. Emotion caught in his throat and Rage coughed, embarrassed for Breaker.
“I’m not a little girl anymore, Breaker,” Cassie said.
“That’s right,” Rage said, sliding an arm over her shoulder. “You did a good job distracting him, baby. Now let’s all head home. We have a wedding to return to.”
Chapter Eight
“We could do this another time, you know,” Rage said. “We already tied the knot. There’s no need to rush.”
They were in Cassie’s old bedroom in Breaker’s house. Rage had booked a room at a cozy little inn one town over for their honeymoon night, but they both agreed it was safer for them to remain in Hanging Cove.