Page 102 of Emerald Vices
My frown deepens. Am I being gaslit or am I being ridiculous? To their point, it’s a sunny day and everyone I love is here. I should take a deep breath and enjoy it.
Too bad I can’t.
Anxiety I can’t name ripples through me, and I haul myself to my feet. Six pairs of eyes snap to me, and I raise my hands in surrender.
“Stand down. I just need to pee.” I scooch between the chairs, my bump brushing the back of Katya’s head. “Routine procedure. No emergency response necessary.”
I make it all of two steps towards the pool house before the pain strikes.
I double over, and Andrey is instantly at my side. “Natalia?”
“I’m okay,” I pant, trying to wave him off even as another round of pain twists my insides. “Ow. Ow.”
Mila and Katya are on either side of us now. Kat takes my arm. “Did you pee yourself? Is this a UTI? What’s happening?”
I want to laugh. Or cry. Maybe scream.
But there isn’t enough air. A fresh wave of agony rips through me, and all I can do is moan.
When it’s gone, I look up at three pale, worried faces looking back at me. Behind them, Leonty and Shura are on high alert. Their job is to protect me, but I’m my own threat. What can they do?
I’m about to ask when I hear Aunt Annie’s voice in the distance. “Nat? Honey?”
I push Andrey towards her, and he knows what I mean instantly. He helps my aunt over the uneven ground and brings her to my side.
“What’s going on?” they ask in unison.
“Um, I’m not exactly sure,” I admit. “I just had this really sharp pain in my… stomach? I think?” Misha pokes his head over the crowd, and I reach out to grab his hand. “It’s fine, though. Just felt like someone was sticking a cattle prod in my insides, but it’s gone now.”
“That sounds like a contraction,” Aunt Annie remarks.
Now, I do laugh. “No. Not possible.”
“You’re eight months pregnant with twins, sweetheart. It’s almost impossible that you’re still pregnant.”
“Could it be Braxton Hicks?” Andrey asks, the color leaching out of his face.
“You should get her to a hospital either way. Just in case.”
Katya, per usual, takes Aunt Annie’s advice as gospel and stirs us all to attention. “Let’s mobilize, people. Woman in labor.”
“Maybe,” I add meekly as Andrey almost picks me up and hauls me towards the house.
Mila runs ahead. “I’ll pack a bag for you!”
Shura runs towards the drive. “I’ll bring the car around.”
Misha falls into step with me and Andrey, still gripping my hand. “Can I come, too?”
I squeeze his hand. “Of course, honey. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Misha and Remi race off behind Leonty and Shura, while I turn to Andrey. Now that we’re alone, I feel safe enough to absolutely and completely freak out. “I can’t be in labor, Andrey. This isn’t happening. What if this is really happening?”
He smiles down at me, all the weirdness from a few minutes ago long forgotten. “Then we’re about to meet our girls.”