Page 85 of Emerald Vices
Efrem leaps out of his chair as though it’s just electrocuted him. “You’re accusing me.”
“Prove yourself. What did Vladimir tell you?”
“Nothing,” he answers without hesitation. “Only that the true pakhan was back.”
“And how did you respond?”
His chest rises and falls indignantly. “I hung up on him.”
I sigh. “I think you’re telling me what you know I want to hear.”
Sweat has beaded across Efrem’s forehead and is dripping down his neck. Fear in liquid form. His eyes dart from Vasily to Anatoly like he’s looking for someone to throw on the sword instead.
“I’m not lying!” he shrieks, his hand jerking towards the waistband of his pants.
I act without hesitation. I pull my gun out and send a bullet straight at Efrem’s head. He’s dead before he even hits the ground.
“Fuck.” Shura has his gun out, too, and is staring down at the body spilling blood across the Persian rug at his feet. “That’s gonna stain.”
Anatoly is slack-jawed as he watches the life drain from Efrem. “Boss, are you sure he was?—?”
“It’s time everyone got the message,” I bark. “Fuck with my family and you die.”
Vasily stuffs his hands into his pockets. “I’m no defector. Call me what you want, but I’m no traitor.”
Anatoly nods his agreement. “The same goes for me. I have no loyalty to Slavik. As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one Kuznetsov pakhan.”
I look both men in the eye. Their faces are resolute. “If that turns out not to be the case?—”
“Expect a bullet to the forehead.” Vasily spits at Efrem’s corpse. “We got the memo.”
“Now, you can make sure the message carries. If there are defectors in our ranks, I want them to know exactly what they’re in for. Slavik is nothing compared to the hell I will unleash on them.” I step over Efrem. “Take care of this bastard before he starts to stink.”
Only Shura follows me out of the office. I chase the need for a cigarette all the way to the patio that looks over the pool.
“You think you got your message across?” he asks once we’re alone.
“I thought Slavik leaving would’ve been enough.” I sigh and stroke my chin. “If Efrem could be swayed, what hope do I have that the others won’t be?”
“Don’t underestimate your hold on the men.”
I turn to him, eyes flashing. “Don’t assume everyone has your standards of loyalty.”
“Are you feeling sorry for yourself, ‘Drey?” he asks with a cheeky smirk. “That’s not like you.”
“It’s not myself I feel sorry for. It’s the people I’ve involved in this mess.”
He knows precisely which “people” I’m talking about. “Natalia’s a grown woman. And she chose you.”
Yeah. But how much longer until she regrets that decision?
I look around at the men surrounding my desk and tell myself I can trust them—even as a voice in the back of my head warns me not to trust anyone.
Shura steps forward. “Nikolai’s attempt on Natalia can’t go unanswered.”