Page 86 of Emerald Vices
“I’d agree, except…” As I pause, Shura’s eyes widen in surprise. He’s not the only one. “I think it’s what Slavik is counting on. Nikolai and Slavik hate each other. So why haven’t they made a move on each other?”
“Maybe Nikolai doesn’t believe Slavik is really back?” It’s the first suggestion Leif has made the entire meeting.
It’s his first day standing in Efrem’s place in the circle. No one has mentioned the absence yet, but it looms between all of us like a black hole sucking the life out of the room.
“Nyet,” I say. “Slavik hasn’t exactly been subtle about his return. They’re both playing the long game here.”
“They’re relying on each other to take you out first,” Shura realizes. “You’re the biggest threat to both of them right now.”
Leif perks up like an overeager pup. “What if we try to take them out together?”
“Because,” I explain patiently, “I can’t be sure of my own men. If I plan that kind of attack and I’m betrayed from the inside, it won’t just be a defeat—it’ll be a fucking massacre.”
Jaw clenched and fists tight, I drift away from the circle. “We need to weed out all the men who might move against me and we need to do it quietly. I don’t need rumors of disloyal vory circulating. Not to Nikolai or Slavik and certainly not to our allies.”
“We could use their help, though,” Yuri says.
“If they sense even the smallest hint of weakness, those fickle mudaki are more likely to jump ship than risk dying on it. We need to be discreet.”
A murmur rumbles through my men, but no one seems to have a clue what to do. They’re all looking at me for answers.
“Who’s been keeping tabs on my useless brother?” I ask.
Yuri raises his hand. “It’s a waste of time. All the man does is get drunk, get high, and get laid.”
I’d hoped that keeping eyes on Viktor would pay off eventually, but so far, no dice. I run a hand through my hair. “This meeting is over. Get out.”
They file out of the room, but Shura is the only one who dares to linger.
“I’m not interested in company right now, Shura.”
From the stubborn set of his jaw, though, I know he’s not going anywhere. “We need someone on the inside, ‘Drey. Someone who can get close enough to extract valuable information.”
“Don’t you think I know that? But there’s no way we can plant anyone trustworthy at this stage.”
Shura arches a brow, waiting for me to follow his train of thought.
It doesn’t take long.
“No. No.”
“Think about it,” Shura persists. “The boy knows Nikolai. He’s lived in the compound. He can convince him that he managed to escape from our hold and now has inside information on you.”
“Do you think I haven’t thought of that already?”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“For one, Natalia. She’d have my fucking balls if I sent the kid in there. And for another…” I drop wearily into the closest seat. “I’d never forgive myself for sending him back to that hellhole.”
“Since when do you have a conscience?”
I laugh hollowly. Fuck if I know, but it’s a beast to carry around. “The boy is off-limits. I promised to protect him.”
“Maybe you should let him decide.”
“He’s fourteen years old and desperate to prove himself. Of course he’s going to want to jump into the fray. That doesn’t mean we should let him.”