Page 41 of Harvey
“I do not.”
“How would you know?” he asked teasingly, nibbling at the seams of her lips. “You were sleeping.”
“I have never been told that I snored before.” Her hands roamed restlessly up and down the furry hairs on his chest.
“Considering that I am the first man you have ever slept with shows that I have the authority to know whether you snore or not.” The thrill of that statement of fact sent a fresh surge of lust surging through his unsuspecting body.
He had woken with her in his arms and felt the immediate desire coursing through his body. He could not get a rein on his rampaging passion for her, and he was startled by it.
“I suppose you are right.” Her hands crept around his neck as she tried to process the pleasure of him being here in bed with her. She wanted to suggest she moved into his suite but did not want to push it. “There is a function.”
“Hmm.” He was busy trailing hot kisses at the side of her neck.
“Your mother bought me a ton of clothes.” She arched her neck to give him more access.
“She loves to shop.”
“I bought you a navy tux.” She ventured.
His head reared up at that, his eyes boring into hers. “What the hell for?”
Determined not to be intimidated by his forbidding scowl, she met his gaze. “It’s a formal event- “
“And I have no intention of attending.”
“I will be. “
“Good for you. The parents and Silas will no doubt be going as well, so you will have company. Next time, consult me before you do anything like that. I don’t appreciate being handled.”
“I am your wife- “
“Which does not give you the right to try and run my life. I won’t have it.”
“Harvey- “
“Enough!” Pushing away from her, he swung his legs off the bed, irrationally angry that she had spoiled the moment.
Just when he had decided to stay and enjoy her delectable body, she had gone and- Swearing beneath his breath; he dragged on his discarded clothing. “We broke the damn rules because I cannot keep my hands off you. I am not husband material, and you already know that.
I might be unable to stay away from you, but I am not going to allow you to box me into a corner and make me into a witless husband who runs to do your bidding. Am I clear?”
She nodded, feeling as if her heart was being shattered into pieces. “If you are done destroying my emotions and bullying me, I suggest you get out of my room and let me get ready for work.” She told him with quiet dignity.
“Look- “
“Please go, Harvey.”
Staring at her for a few pulsing seconds, he turned on his heels and left, slamming the doors shut behind him.
She refused to cry, she thought, biting her lip as she swung her legs off the bed. He was a jerk and certainly did not deserve her love. But oh God! She had fallen in love with him. Rubbing her hands over her face, she scrubbed away the tears and went into the bathroom, determined not to allow him to spoil her day.
Inside his bedroom, Harvey was furiously toweling the water off his skin, his movements jerky. Who the hell does she think she is?
Dropping the towel, he stared down at his sex and realized, to his dismay, that the cold shower had not done anything to fix things. He was still hot for her; his blood was still boiling, and his body was primed to drive itself into her.
She had a kind of power over him that was making him furious. He walked towards his closet to get a clean pair of jeans, stopping short at the three suits lining one of the shelves. Not one, as she had previously told him, but three! He was tempted to hurl them to the floor but decided against it.
She was under the mistaken impression that just because he could not resist her body – just because he had spent hours exploring her delectable curves- he dragged on the jeans just because kissing her was like sipping from a bottle of the finest wine or drinking honey.