Page 42 of Harvey
He carelessly selected a tan sweater and pulled it over his head. Just because his cock fitted her like a glove- Swearing furiously, he went to get boots and sat down on the padded bench to put them on.
He was not going to allow her to control him. He would make use of her body whenever he needed to do so, and that was that. Nothing else. He was not going to be her bloody trained monkey. Silas could escort her to the damn ball- he stopped as he realized that the idea of his brother being with her was causing knots in the pit of his stomach.
“Damn her!’ he whispered furiously as he rose and went to grab his stuff to head on out.
The last thing he expected was that his entire family would have breakfast in the informal dining room. It had been so long since he was here at this time of the morning that he was not the only one to look shocked. All three of them turned to stare at him as he strode into the room to get coffee.
“I- “His voice tailed off as he had no idea what to say next.
“Darling, why don’t you come and join us?” Julia finally discovered her voice and hid her surprise at seeing him.
“I am running late.” He told her abruptly, wishing God that he had followed his instinct and gone through the front door. It wasn’t like they didn’t have coffee at the work site. It might not be of this quality, but coffee was coffee.
“There is something I have been meaning to discuss with you.” His father had that determined look that said he would have his say.
Avoiding the knowing look on his brother’s face, Harvey reluctantly went to take his seat.
“Just coffee and fruit for me, please.” He told the maid, who had hurried over.
“The scones are delicious.” His mother ventured.
“No thanks. Dad, I have a few- “His body stiffened as he sensed her entering the room. It was her damned perfume, he thought furiously. He could not get the scent of her out of his nostrils.
He felt the flurry of anger as his brother jumped up to pull out her chair.
“You are looking adorable today. Another wedding?”
“A breakfast meeting at the civic community center. I started on the decorations yesterday and did not quite finish. Good morning.” She beamed at Gregory and Julia and completely ignored Harvey.
“Is that one of the new dresses, my dear?” Julia asked her with a smile, carefully noticing that her elder son was frowning in his cup of coffee and avoiding looking at his wife.
“It is.” Turning to Silas, she gave him a warm smile. “I hope I can depend on you to be my date for the event on Saturday.”
Darting a glance at his glowering brother, he enquired. “Harvey, you will not be attending?”
“No.” Shoving back his chair, he finished the coffee. “I will speak to you later,” he told his dad, and without another word, he strode from the room.
“My dear- “Julia began when Kendra shook her head and gave her a serene smile.
“I am fine, really I am.”
“Well, I am not,” Gregory told her furiously. “He is my son, but sometimes I think I should have taken a strap to him when he was growing up. What the hell is his problem?”
“I think I know exactly what it is.” Silas supplied an amused expression on his face as he stared at Kendra. “My brother is furious at himself and jealous. I would be delighted to be your date at the function, Kendra.”
“Good, now that’s settled.”
Kendra went about her day, determined not to allow thoughts of him to interfere with her day. She cried while showering and was determined not to make it a pattern. Her surprise at seeing him at the dining table had quickly disappeared when he deliberately ignored her.
The same man who had tenderly aroused her to peaks of incredible passion and desire had turned into a cold and unattainable stranger in front of his family.
He had ignored her; worse, he had not looked at her as he was leaving. She had been warned of what she would be up against, but even so, she had not been prepared for the obstacle he was placing in front of her—with just a little thing. All she had wanted to do was go out with him, to feel like a married couple.