Page 159 of Lethal Souls
“No,” he says.
“You shouldn’t be surprised.” Alora glances at him. “The people have wanted a savior in Vakeeli since the beginning of time. Now we have two.”
“Plus Hassha’s twins,” I add. “When they’re of age, of course.”
“Even better.” Alora is handed a speakerphone and greets the crowd. They cheer back and she laughs, allowing them to whoop and holler for a few seconds more.
When they settle again, she gestures to Caz.
“We have been given a gift from The Regals. A man and woman who have it in their best interests to protect our world. They are our champions, and we will honor them. Please send up your loudest of merriments for Caspian and Willow! Monarch and Lady of Blackwater, and our Imperials!”
This time, the cheers are like thunder rolling in waves. Alora gives Caz a slight bow of the head before stepping down. When it’s just us, Caz presses his lips, tossing a modest wave at the crowd.
“That was quite the warm welcome,” Caz bellows. He doesn’t need a speakerphone. He allows his voice to carry across for all to hear. “I know the War of Selah was frightening. There were so many losses, and at one point, it seemed we wouldn’t make it, but this entire world came together and fought hard to protect what they loved, and it is my truest belief that that is how life should be. We are all meant to be acquaintances—to be people who can look to each other for help and guidance, not bitterness and war. We were not created to fight and bicker, kill and hurt…but we did that anyway. For a very long time too.
“I was one of those people who drowned themselves in the violence. I thought there was no light, no hope. But after thinking about it all and understanding the true history of Vakeeli, I realize that was exactly what Selah wanted me to feel. She wanted us to hate each other. She wanted us to feel like we could only thrive in chaos and violence. For millenniums, we have fed into that agenda, and it fueled her. But today, I say no more. No more will we stand against each other. We will become a united world. This time,” he says, scanning the crowd, “we’ll do things right. Vakeeli is ours now, and it is here to stay!”
A cacophony of applause spreads through the courts as Caz offers a hand to me, meeting my eyes.
Fly with me.
I can’t fight my smile.
When he rises in the air, I do too, and as we float above the crowd, I can’t believe this is where we are.
This world was once so dark and hopeless. Everyone seemed doomed, and death was a friend most expected to show up at their doorsteps.
That’s changed so much within the last two weeks. I can feel the shift in energy. Those whispers of darkness have disappeared, and minds much are clearer. People are kinder.
They’re fueled with hope.
Even from here, as we float and wave, I can see their faith in us.
There is a new ruler now, and he’s going to make sure this world feeds on fruits of harmony rather than rotten strips of mayhem.
This beautiful man will protect us, no matter what.
And, damn, am I lucky to have him as a mate.
I refrain from rolling my eyes as Faye squeals in Willow’s face. Yes, Faye. Her rather irritating best friend from Earth.
Willow has just finished telling her all the events that’d transpired between The Regals followed by the explanation of her new physique and hair.
It all clearly comes as a shock to Faye because she can’t stop marveling, her eyes bouncing around and her mouth agape, savoring every juicy detail.
After consulting with Hassha, we found it rather easy to teleport to Earth. We sought the area where Willow’s portal was, and all she had to do was measure the space and find her way there. We landed in the back alley of some street, red and gold streaks falling from our skin.
Now we’re in Faye’s tiny home. My head nearly touches the ceiling, but I crane my neck, biting into a hunk of crispy bread with melted white cheese in the center. Faye calls them quesadillas. They’re delicious.
“I was wondering why you stopped answering the mirror calls. I was getting worried,” Faye says, looking Willow all over. “But girl. You look incredible. And the baby bump! Stop it!”