Page 160 of Lethal Souls
Right. The bump. She’s showing a lot more now. It’s been a month since the war, and now that things are a bit settled, we’re ready to marry.
There was just one condition that Willow demanded.
“I want you to be my maid of honor,” Willow says, grinning as she takes her best friend’s hand into hers.
Faye’s eyes grow rounder as she looks from Willow to me. “What? Are you guys marrying here?”
“No, we aren’t,” I answer before Willow can. “She’ll be my bride in Vakeeli.”
“Vakeeli?” Faye’s brows pucker. “How the hell am I going to get there?”
“Simple,” I say, chewing. “We bring you back. The wedding is in three days.”
Faye sputters a breath. “I—what? That’s—um, didn’t you say it’s dangerous there?” she asks, flicking her gaze to Willow’s.
“It was,” Willow emphasizes, laughing. “But now that Caz has this new energy and the war is over, it’s a lot safer, I promise. Everyone wants peace now. We’re trying to make the world a better place.”
Faye’s throat bobs, and her eyes lower to Willow’s black gown. “How long would I need to stay?”
“However long you want,” my soon-to-be wife answers. “We’ll bring you back whenever you’re ready.”
“So I can go back and forth? Just like that?” she asks, stunned.
“I assume you can—as many times as you want as long as we take you there,” Willow laughs.
“Well in that case, of course I’ll be your maid of honor!” she squeals. I cringe, surprised her voice doesn’t shatter the glass around us. “I don’t care where in the universe the wedding is, I’d never miss my best friend’s wedding.”
“You should go pack then,” Willow insists.
“This is good timing, by the way. Abuelita Mariana went to a retreat with some of her lotería friends in Hilton Head. She won’t be back until the weekend. Oh my goodness, I can’t believe this is happening!” Faye exclaims, cupping her face.
“Still with the dramatics.” I finish off my quesadilla as she scowls my way.
“Just because you have powers now or whatever doesn’t mean I won’t beat your ass, Caz.”
I smirk. “I know you would. Now hurry up and pack. I’m ready to marry the love of my life.”
Willow blushes.
Yep. Still got it.
Wedding preparations have been, dare I say, overwhelming.
Juniper and Maeve have been relentless with the planning, organizing, fittings, and all the other miscellaneous things.
Killian and Rowan took Caz for a bachelor’s night at Blackwater Tavern, where apparently, Caz got so drunk he burned a hole in the wall.
Now that Faye is here, we’re inseparable. I don’t know how I’ve gone so long without her, but she fits right in. Juniper and Maeve loved her as soon as they met her and immediately got her situated in a bridesmaid gown. Black, silver, and gold is the color scheme, and it’s more than fitting.
For my bachelorette party, I’m taken (more like forced) to Vanora, where Alora arranges nonalcoholic games for us to play. She even takes us to the pool in the lower passages of the palace where the walls are made of sea salt rocks and the columns are lined with gold. The pool is warm, and when we’re settled, her assistants apply gold face masks to our faces then give us mani-pedis.
It’s the most soothing experience ever.
Now, the big day is here.