Page 29 of Whiskey Neat
“My dad died seven years ago. Car accident.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. My mom lives in New Onyx and she’s dating again. Her current beau is only five years older than me.”
Salem chuckles. “Oof. Is that hard?”
“Nah. I don’t hang out there. My sister lives close by, so she fills me on stuff. I think my mom is figuring out what she wants to do with her life now. We’ve always butted heads, so it’s better for both of us if I stick to holidays only.”
“Family stuff is hard sometimes.”
“It is, but I consider the guys my family too. I’m closer to them than any blood relative. They’ve been there for me through every win and loss. I called them after I lost my last job and told them my idea to buy a bar in Willow Bay, and they signed up, no questions asked.”
“See, now this is interesting. You alluded to Lowen’s story, but what about the others? You guys are all in your forties, right?”
“Just forty.”
“Oh. Sorry, old man.”
I poke his chest playfully and he laughs.
“Kit moved to California to work as a graphic designer in his uncle’s company, but it proved to be challenging. There are lots of buyouts and high turnover in that industry, and even with his uncle’s help, he was never able to get where he wanted. He was ready for a change.”
“Kit seems like a good guy, but I can’t quite get a read on his energy.”
“He’s fun, pretty chill. A lot like me, actually.”
“Cool. Ridley? He’s a wild one, huh?”
I chuckle. “Yeah, Ridley is one amazing dude. He’s smart as hell. Can you believe he’s an engineer?”
“No way.”
“Yep. He was tired of the politics and conservative nature of his industry, plus he inherited the house and a ton of money from his great uncle, so coming back to Willow Bay was an easy choice for him.”
“That’s really cool.”
I nod. “Bane and Jerryn moved to Seattle and worked in finance. They didn’t go too deep into their reasons for coming back, but I got the sense that they were just bored and ready for some excitement. They’ve been purchasing rental properties as investments for a while, so they have a nest egg.”
“Which leaves you.”
“My story is similar to yours. After graduation I moved back to the city and started working at an investment firm. Eventually I owned my own small firm, but I burned out, sold it, and started working in tech on the finance side. I wanted to work for startups, which led to a series of layoffs. The final blow was a month ago when the company I worked for was sold. I decided I needed a change.”
Salem nods, studying my eyes. “What did you leave behind in New Onyx? Any former spouses?”
I scoff at that. “Fuck no. I’ve never even come close to marriage. The closest I ever got to actual commitment was a massive mistake I’ll never make again.”
“Ooh, now we’re getting to the good stuff. Tell me all about it.”
“It’s not that exciting. Just a lapse in judgment. My roommate snuck into my room one night and we ended up fucking. Eventually she wanted more, of course, so the whole arrangement imploded.”
I nod. “I’m bi.”
“Interesting. I think you’re my first.”
“First bisexual man you’ve messed around with?”