Page 30 of Whiskey Neat
“Pretty sure. Unless you count all the ‘straight’ guys who just wanted to try me out. They claim straight, so I call them straight. Far be it from me to label someone else’s sexuality.”
“Fair. Lots of straight guys in your past?”
“It was a thing for me for a few years. Maybe it was vengeance fucking or something, but I wanted to seduce every guy who claimed he was straight in some kind of fucked-up retribution against my bullies.”
I chuckle. “That’s kind of badass.”
Salem grins. “It was, but then I got bored. Too easy.”
“So no former spouses in your past?”
He shakes his head. “God, no. Marriage sounds awful. One person for the rest of your life? Eww.”
“I’m not much into monogamy myself.”
“Polyamory then?”
“Nah. Too much work. Like I told you earlier today, relationships in general aren’t my thing.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” He scoots a little closer, draping his arm over me. “Tell me something, Indy. How do you feel about bottoming?”
I pull my head back slightly. “Bottoms make the world go round but I’m not one of them.”
His face falls. “Not even sometimes?”
“No, not ever. I tried it on myself once with a dildo way back in the day and decided it’s not for me. Why?”
“I don’t bottom either. Stone top.”
I’m sure I look as shocked as I feel. “Seriously?”
“Seriously.” He rolls onto his back. “I knew you couldn’t be as perfect as you seemed.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“No offense, obviously, but we’re not sexually compatible.”
“We seemed pretty fucking compatible about twenty minutes ago.”
“But for how long?”
He’s obviously disappointed, and I’m not gonna lie, so am I. I kept him here hoping for a round two that involved me wrecking what I’m sure is a very pretty hole, but that’s clearly not gonna happen.
Salem slides off the bed, finding his jeans on the floor. “It’s probably best if we quit while we’re ahead, right?”
“You’re leaving?”
I jump up, grabbing his wrist and pulling him closer. “There’s a lot we can do that doesn’t involve penetration.”
His face is tense, but it softens as he allows me to pull him between my knees as I sit back down. Salem cards his fingers through my hair, his eyes searching mine.
“I know, but I also know where this inevitably leads. I’d rather have this one amazing night than frustration and even resentment between us.” Salem bends his head and presses a soft kiss to my mouth, but I wrap my arms around him and deepen the kiss before he can move away.
He whimpers and I swallow the sound, knowing the attraction between us isn’t going to die off just because it should. I want more, but I’m also not going to beg. I’ve never had to work to get someone in my bed and I’m not about to start now.
When I let him go, he sways slightly, his eyes dazed and lips damp. Fucking hell, he’s beautiful.