Page 97 of Whiskey Neat
A burst of laughter huffs out of me. “Seriously?”
“Have you seen yourself? And your cock?” He shakes his head. “Of course I have. I just wouldn’t let myself. I was too scared that you’d turn into a pumpkin as soon as I did it. I didn’t want to blow the illusion, you know?”
“You were afraid to find out I was like all the losers you dated before me?”
He nods. “Yeah.”
“I’m glad you held out. Know why?”
“Because I proved myself to you without even knowing it. I would’ve hated finding out you did something just for lust or to make me happy and didn’t feel safe with that choice. Now if you ever decide to, I’ll know you really want it.”
Salem huffs a laugh. “You beautiful, perfect man. As if you could keep me off your dick now.”
Grinning, I reach behind him and squeeze his ass. “You won’t hear me complaining.”
His smile fades a little as vulnerability replaces it. “Did you really like it last night? Was it okay?”
“Come on, babe, you were there for the mind-blowing O you delivered.” I nuzzle his cheek. “I would do it again.”
He shivers so hard I can feel it. “Exciting.”
“It is.” I search his eyes for a second, and as I do, I see a future I never thought would be mine. “Just to be abundantly clear, you’re my man now. Just mine.”
“I’ve been your man since the day we met.”
“But no more caveman jealousy fits, huh? You have to trust me and know that I would never…” He shakes his head, brushing his fingers across my cheek. “Never even look at another man. You’re the dream come true, Indy. You have me completely.”
“That’s a fair request. I think it happened because I liked you more than I realized and we were undefined. Trust me, I’ve never been jealous a day in my life until you.”
“I didn’t hate it, but I want you to feel secure in my love for you.”
“Got it.” I press a kiss to his mouth again. “One thing we’ve never talked about before is what you want in a relationship. Long term, I guess. Do you want marriage and houses and kids and shit?”
Salem visibly pales, trying to scoot back, but I keep my arm around him.
“What did I say wrong?”
“Nothing.” He blows out a breath. “I might be afraid to say something that freaks you out.”
“Hey. I’m your safe place, remember? You can be all of you with me, and if we don’t align, we’ll figure it out.”
Salem nods, chewing on his bottom lip for a second. “For all my longing and crying over breakups, I’m not super traditional when it comes to a lot of stuff. I don’t want to be a soccer dad or develop a yearning to join the PTA.”
I smile.
“I don’t want to be legally married either.” He seems to brace himself. “I don’t see a need for it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want the commitment or the party or the honeymoon.”
“I can work with that.”
“You’re talking to a guy who’s never even been in a relationship. I’m not exactly pining for the altar and the white picket fence with two point five kids.”
Salem grins. “We have time though, right?”