Page 98 of Whiskey Neat
“All the time we need, sweet thing.”
Leaving Salem this morning was harder than expected, but there’s a lightness and bounce in my step as I enter the bar, hours later than I usually do. The guys have been blowing up my phone all morning until I finally sent a text to the group chat and told them I was alive and well.
Now they’re all gathered around the bar with Wren, Oakley, and our new bartender, Florian. I join them, ignoring the curious glances from my friends, while Oakley explains the few details they’re finishing today.
Saturday is our big grand opening, and this Wednesday is our soft opening for the local business owners on our street. The house is done, the bar is nearly done, and later today our outdoor sign is going up.
Once the meeting breaks up and it’s just me and the guys, I brace myself for their reaction to what I’m about to say.
“I have an update.”
“We assumed.” Kit grins and wiggles his eyebrows.
“Something happened with Salem last night.”
Lowen looks concerned. “Oh god, Indy. You didn’t break his heart, did you?”
I’m a little irked that that’s his first thought, but then again, my track record would say it’s warranted.
“No. Just the opposite actually. I’m in love with him, and I told him.”
A wide smile spreads across Ridley’s mouth. “I knew it. I so fucking knew it.”
“You don’t have to be a psychic to figure that one out,” Bane says.
“You guys already knew?”
“It’s not rocket science, boo,” Lowen says in his coddling but somehow caring tone.
Jerryn snorts a laugh, then clears his throat. “Congratulations, Indy.”
“If you’re in love and happy, why do you look sick?” Kit asks.
Ridley’s face falls. “You’re not gonna bail on the house, are you?”
“No. I was thinking… maybe… not right away, you know, but someday… soon…” I’m tripping over my own words.
“You want Salem to move in?” Lowen asks, figuring out where I was going.
“Yeah.” I wring my hands together. “Only if it’s okay with you guys, of course. I think with the new layout we have plenty of space.”
“Oof, you scared me.” Ridley playfully punches my arm. “Honestly? It’s my dream. I hoped we could make it a home for all of us and any partners we find along the way. Personally, I’m all for it. Plus, Salem is awesome.”
Bane and Jerryn exchange looks, communicating without words the way they do, then Bane speaks. “We adore Salem.”
“It’s cool with us,” Jerryn adds.
Lowen nods. “Of course, Indy. I’m happy for you.”
“I never thought I’d see the day,” Kit says. “It’s… pretty cool. Also, I think I called it first.”
“Please tell me you guys didn’t bet on this too.”
“Not this time,” Ridley says. “We have some class.”
I open my arms wide. “Bring it in, guys.”
“Florian, my man,” Ridley yells, “a round of whiskey, please.”