Page 147 of Devious Knight
“Michael has been expelled from Raventhorn. I assume you will be pressing charges.”
“Yes, absolutely.”
“We will also be issuing our own punishment.”
“Thank you.”
I have a sick feeling that if Kade hadn’t gotten involved, nothing would have been done to Michael.
Michael is a Knight and a star athlete here. He’s what they call a prized possession. They wouldn’t have taken my word and punished him for the likes of me—an outcast.
Michael drugged and set out to rape me because he thought he’d get away with it. He also did it with ease, and I was none the wiser that I’d been drugged until it was too late. I wonder how many other girls he’s drugged and raped in the past.
“I’m adjusting your timetable for the rest of the month so you can have some counselling sessions with one of our trained counsellors. You may also see Eilish if you want to. I know you two are close.”
“Thank you. I’d like that.” I won’t refuse because counselling sessions will give me little breaks here and there whether I need them or not.
“Your father has also spoken to me about the possibility of some compassionate leave. I will authorize whatever time you need.”
Sure, he will because it means I won’t have time to do anything else. “Thanks. I’m staying, though. I wanted to assure you that I have every intention of doing all that you requested of me.”
He seems surprised to hear that. “Health comes first.”
“Art is my health. I also have some good news. I’ll be working with Gard DuPont at the Boston Gallery every weekend starting next month.” I got that news this morning, so that brightened me up.
Gard DuPont is a little like Christian Degas, but he specializes in landscape sculptures as opposed to people.
Parker looks even more taken aback. “My goodness. I’m quite impressed.”
“I started working things out straightaway. My English professors also said I could use the credits from last semester for the extra work I did toward this year, so I don’t have to worry so much about English.” Even with that, I still have a mountain load of work to do, but the deflated look on his face is worth telling him. Now he knows I have a chance.
“You seem to have things under control. I do want you to take things easy, though.”
“I appreciate that, and I will take it easy. At the same time, I won’t allow anything to come between me and my future.” I sound like I’m making a declaration of war. Because I am. I'm talking about him, and I think he knows.
“Very well.” He clears his throat, and his hawk eyes take me in with scrutiny. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Okay, well, I’ll see you at our next meeting.”
“Sure thing.”
Maybe by then, I’ll have what I need to get rid of him.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Police Report
Incident Report Number: 2024-08-09-1762
Case Classification: Homicide
Date/Time of Report: August 9, 2014, 19:47 PM
Reporting Officer: Detective James Carter, Badge #0421