Page 148 of Devious Knight
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, 146 Riverfront Ave, Sector 9, Westside
Victim Information:
Name: Tatiana Kolyav
Gender: Female
Age: 39 years
Summary of Incident:
At approximately 18:15PM on August 9, 2014, patrol officers received a 911 call reporting gunshots in the vicinity of the abandoned warehouse located at 146 Riverfront Ave, Sector 9. Officers were dispatched to the scene and arrived at 18:45. Upon arrival, officers discovered the body of an unidentified female, later designated as Tatiana Kolyav, lying prone on the concrete floor in the center of the warehouse.
The warehouse, a known site for illegal activities, was found unlocked, with signs of forced entry on the side door.
The scene suggests a targeted hit, with the precision of the shots indicating the involvement of a trained shooter.
I’m reading the report on Isabelle’s mother again. Curiosity got the better of me after Isabelle and I spoke at the hospital, and I haven’t stopped thinking about all the things she told me.
I had a few hours to spare in between classes, so I came back to my apartment to check out some stuff on my computer.
It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, but I guess now that I know Isabelle was at the crime scene, I wanted to look at the details again with fresh eyes.
This is the first chance I’ve had to check since we spoke.
Not that I can do anything, but there were a few things about what she said that nagged my insides. Like how there was someone else at the crime scene giving the order to kill her mother and the Knights weren’t able to find him. And then people didn’t believe her.
That’s the same kind of strange occurrence that happened to my family. Usually, that sort of thing is a clue that something is off somewhere. In my experience, it’s always to do with someone powerful.
In this instance, I think someone wanted her mother dead because she either had information or saw something she shouldn’t have seen.
I’ve been looking through the report for about an hour, and I haven’t found anything different to what I read before, but there’s a restricted section that I can’t get into.
These police reports are linked to the Knights database. When the guys and I got our elite status, we were given access to the Knights database, but there are some limitations. It looks like this section here is one only senior Knights can get into.
I had no interest in looking at it before because I didn’t think it was relevant. At the time, I only wanted a few background details on Isabelle. But now I want to know everything.
My timing might suck because I have my own shit to worry about as my plans for Nikoli have stalled, but I feel compelled to look into this.
Maybe I want to do it for her—Isabelle.
She didn’t have to explain anything to me or trust me with her secrets. I know there are more things she’s keeping to herself. I’m the same. However, this is perhaps us taking one step at a time.
Maybe we can talk some more when I see her later.
That’s if I can keep my hands off her. I feel like I haven’t touched her in years. All we’ve had is one night. I wanted more before the night was out, and I still do.
The shit with Michael threw a wedge between us, but I suppose it also opened the door to me learning the truth about Isabelle’s connection to the Malina.
And the truth was there was no connection.
She was tricked. There’s more to this story. All of it. Hers and mine.
I have a bad feeling that I haven’t even uncovered the worst of it.
My front door opens, and Dmitri and Alek walk through with smiles on their faces. That’s a good sign.