Page 10 of Vicious Knight
Jesus. This is so much harder than I could have ever imagined.
Stay calm, Ivy. Breathe slowly so you don’t have a panic attack.
He doesn’t know who I am, so there’s no need to give Thorne Ivanov something to be suspicious about.
“It’s nice to meet you.” That’s the best version of calm I can muster with my insides wrapping into knots. “See you around.”
“I hope so.” His voice takes on a smooth, silky edge. “Maybe next time I’ll show you my dick piercing. Unless you want to see it now.”
Heat rushes over me, dancing across my skin, and the sinful smirk on his lips makes me feel like I’m on fire. Then he makes everything a hundred times worse by closing the space between us again.
I already look like the fish out of water, but looking like the inexperienced virgin who’s never even seen a dick before is another thing. And in front of Thorne Ivanov?
When his smile brightens I swallow past the wedge closing my throat and force my brain to work so I can say something.
“No, thank you.” My answer shouldn’t amuse him, but it seems to.
“Are you sure?” He comes so close his breath tickles my nose and the scent of him, a spicy woodland fragrance laced with smoke, invades my senses.
He stares down at me and I realize he’s close enough to kiss me.
His gaze flicks down to my parted lips and I wonder for a fleeting second if he’s actually thinking about it.
What if he is?
What if he did?
A kiss from a stranger who’s supposed to be forbidden to me.
What the hell am I thinking? I’m supposed to be planning an exit route, not thinking about what the guy I need to avoid tastes like.
“You don’t look so sure, Bambi.” He doesn’t miss a beat.
“Yes, I’m very sure,” I answer with more firmness and steady my thoughts. “I’m positive I don’t want to see your dick piercing.”
He could be pulling my leg about that, but somehow I don’t think he is. He looks like the kind of guy who would have a piercing… like that.
Regardless, I have no desire to see it—pierced or otherwise.
Thorne narrows his eyes and looks me over with scrutiny before inching away. “Never had a woman refuse my dick before.”
“People say there’s a first time for everything.” I step back again, reclaiming my personal space.
“Maybe we should see about that.” He gives me a look that says I could fuck you right here if I wanted to, then lifts his chin as if in defiance of the thought that he’s anything other than irresistible.
Looking at him, I understand why. He’s gorgeous. Greek-god gorgeous. But I’ll be the girl who resists him.
“Good night,” I mutter, taking another step backward.
“Good night, Bambi.”
I’m grateful for the chance to leave, but I remain calm as I turn and walk away.
The weight of his stare rests on my shoulders but I keep going, heading down to the mass of trees.
When I reach it, I spot the paved path straight away. Now that I’m so close, I can also see where I went wrong. It’s indeed the overgrowth that’s concealing the path. You wouldn’t know it was there unless you were told.