Page 9 of Vicious Knight
Chase until they kill you.
Chase until they consume you.
With that reasoning I decide to go with option two.
“I’m trying to find Myrrdin House.” I nod as if the action can change the subject to a safer topic. I hope it can.
He observes me silently for what feels like years before he lifts his hand and points to my right.
I turn to look and frown. There’s nothing there but darkness through the thicket of trees. “I went past there several times.”
“There’s a path through the trees.” His voice returns to that low rumble. “You can’t see it from here because of the overgrowth of honeysuckle, but it’s there. You’ll see Myrrdin House once you reach the end of the path.”
The tension in my body unravels and I feel some semblance of relief for finally having directions. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I should get going. I’m already late as it is.” Now that I have directions, instinct is telling me to wrap things up as quickly as possible with this guy.
“What’s your name, Bambi?”
“It’s not Bambi.” I smirk.
That grin comes back, but this time it reveals dimples that should be made illegal. “What’s your name, new girl?”
I want to counter the new girl comment, too, but decide against it. “It’s Ivy. Ivy Yegorov.”
“Hello, Ivy Yegorov.”
When he holds out his right hand to shake mine, I take note of the tattoos on the underside of his wrist peeking from under the sleeve of his jacket.
One is the Elder Futhark rune for defense. Although I can barely see the other I know what it is. It’s the Greek symbol for Sigma. Levgen has both of those tattoos, and so did my father.
This guy is a Knight. The realization throws me because he’s the first I’ve come across in nearly a decade.
Since they get that Sigma tattoo after initiation, and that takes place at the start of sophomore year, I know he’s not a freshman. From his confidence I also don’t think he’s a sophomore. I guess him to be a junior or senior here.
I shake his hand briefly and take the opportunity when he releases me to move a step back, out of the unwanted close proximity.
“You might do well to remember you’re not in Kansas anymore.” He holds my gaze, and the blue of his eyes seems brighter with a sheen of interest.
“Sure. I’ll try to remember that…” I drop my voice purposely in a suggestive manner that gives him a chance to tell me his name. I’m just being polite. The last thing I want to do on my first day is make an enemy out of a Knight.
“My name’s Thorne. Thorne Ivanov.”
The moment his name falls from his lips the air evaporates from my body and my lungs compress into nothing. If it were possible for me to fade into the air with the breeze, I would.
Avoid anyone with the surname Ivanov.
Sorry, Mom. Everything has gone wrong since I left you, and this has to be the cherry taking its place on the top of my shitty day.
What in the ever-loving hell are the chances of the first person I meet being Thorne Ivanov?
This is him. This is what he looks like. Deadly handsome with a deadly presence and a deadly smile as potent as poison.
This is the guy. And my father is in prison for plotting to kill his.