Page 26 of Hot Life
“You hemorrhaged during surgery, losing almost half the blood in your body. You’ve been out for two days.”
“Krill—the baby, are they?” I frantically asked, noticing the absence of a crib in the room.
My mom squeezed my hand. “The baby is perfect. Caroline is rocking your little one in the nursery right now to give you as much rest as you need.”
Relief washed over me. That dream felt so real. But I was here, I was okay, and the baby was okay.
Des stirred at my feet, sitting up and rubbing his neck before his gaze met mine. My mother smiled. “I’ll give you and your husbands some time.” My mother gently woke Odette, who startled before seeing me and letting out a long exhale. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before whispering her I love yous and goodbyes.
As the door clicked closed, my rugged man was at my side, taking me into his strong arms. “Don’t ever do that to me again, Queen,” he said gruffly, sniffling. His head buried in my hair, and I wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders. He was crying.
Emotion filled my own eyes as another set of arms covered Desmond and me. Cedric kissed my temple, wetting it with his own tears. “Thanks for coming back to us, Dot. I knew you would.”
“Mom told me what happened,” I replied, using the thin hospital blanket to dry my face. “Wow, what a shit show.”
“You and baby are healthy, and that’s all that matters,” Des stroked my long braided hair. “Dr. Kamara and Cedric were incredible in that room, Queen. You were in good hands. I never doubted them for a moment.”
A smile tugged at my lips as I cupped Ced’s sandpaper face in my palm. “You guys saved me.”
“Just returning the favor, Dot. And Akilah did all the work. Thankfully she didn’t kick me out of the room for micromanaging the rest of her team.”
I really wanted to give that woman a hug. I would next time I saw her.
“Do you want to know if it’s a boy or a girl?” Desmond asked, kissing my hand. “The baby is perfect. Wait until you see their perfect little round cheeks.”
“I think I know the gender already.” I smiled. “Kiss me.”
Without another word, his lips found mine. The taste of Desmond was like the sweetest of peaches. His tongue searched my mouth as his lips claimed mine. I pulled back only long enough for Cedric’s lips to take his place. I wrapped one hand around his head and the other stayed on Desmond’s bearded jaw. The passion and love between the three of us was like a tangible fog in the small room. “I want you both,” I breathed.
“Not for six weeks, Dot. At least.”
“As much as I want you, you need rest more than you need us pawing at you.”
That wasn’t right. It didn’t feel right. I’d just went through the most traumatic medical event of my life. I almost lost my life. I was out for two days and apparently hallucinating I was somewhere in Ireland or…something else. I needed my husbands. I needed to feel grounded after that ordeal. Human. Alive.
I grabbed at their chests, my hands hungrily travelling down. Des growled. “No way, Queen. Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
I grinned. “I’m more than happy to finish you both.”
Cedric’s rough warning sounded. “Even with a cesarean, you need at least six weeks before sex, Dot. You have stitches and—”
“I’m not talking about me. Let me help and…watch you guys.”
My hand found the bulge in each of their pants. I stroked lightly. “What do you think? Real quick?”
Des growled, “It’s almost impossible to tell this woman no….”
“It is do not disturb hour…” Cedric mused.
I grinned and shimmied my shoulders in a little victory dance as they stood and unzipped. Each on either side of me, I propped up. My middle was tender, and I didn’t even want to think about the stitches, not right now. But overall, my body felt okay, probably from all the sleep and pain meds, but I was going to take advantage of it while I could. After this moment, this hour, our lives would forever be different. We’d jump into the roles of parents and the whole adventure of growing with a baby. I wanted this one last selfish experience. I needed it. I needed them.
They dropped their pants and both erections sprang to life on either side of me. Cedric clicked a few areas and dropped the handles on the sides of my bed, giving me better access to them. Gently, so as not to overexert myself, I took one of them in each hand. Cedric let out a sigh and Des tilted his head back. “Sorry my hands are cold,” I whispered hoarsely.
“Don’t apologize for that. It feels nice,” Ced replied, gently balancing, bracing a palm on my shoulder.
Slowly, I moved from hilt to tip, finding a bead of pre-cum at their tips and swirling it around the head. They grunted lowly as I squeezed tighter, adding more pressure and speed. “She’s doing too much,” Des growled, glancing to Cedric. He jerked a nod.
Des gently tugged my hands away as they looked from me to each other across the bed. “I’m good if you are,” Des said roughly.